Thursday November 14 2024 Content Updates


(15) - Changed components from “Red + Winter” to “Again + Winter,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(17) - Changed components from “Red + Heart” to “Again + Heart,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(20) - Changed components from “Ground + Brush + Woman” to “Cross + Wolverine + Woman,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(25) - Changed components from “Scooter + Wolverine + Water” to “Scooter + Brush + Water,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(27) - Changed the components from “Canopy + Wolverine + Water” to “Canopy + Brush + Water,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(33) - Changed the components from “Rice + Canopy + Brush + Mouth” to “Rice + Canopy + Wolverine + Mouth,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic.

(34) - Changed the components from “Samurai + Jackhammer + Wolverine + Water” to “Samurai + Jackhammer + Brush + Water,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(37) - Changed components from “Tsunami + Red + Bow” to “Tsunami + Again + Bow,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(37) - Changed components from “Foot + Red” to “Foot + Again,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(50) - Changed the components from “Canopy + Brush + Mouth” to “Canopy + Wolverine + Mouth,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.

(56) - Updated the meaning mnemonic.

(58) - Moved う, つち, and すい readings to the warning list. Added せぼね reading to the warning list.

(60) - Changed components from “Red + Insect” to “Again + Insect,” updated the meaning mnemonic and hint, and updated the reading mnemonic and hint.


大事 (9) - Added “important task” to the block list.

海魚 (9) - Moved うみざかな to the primary reading, moved かいぎょ to the allow list, and updated the reading explanation.

援助 (22) - Updated two context sentence translations.

教師 (23) - Updated one context sentence translation.

表現 (23) - Updated one context sentence translation.

保護する (23) - Updated one context sentence translation.

訴える (25) - Updated one context sentence translation.

年輩 (27) - Updated the meaning explanation, updated the reading explanation, replaced context sentences with new ones, and added collocations.

身振り (28) - Added “body language” as the primary meaning, made “gesture” an alternative meaning, added “body movement” and “body movements” to the allow list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.

針金 (28) - Removed “の adjective” as a word type and updated the reading explanation.

乾杯 (29) - Added “propose a toast,” “proposing a toast,” “toasting,” “drink to,” “drinking to,” “drink a toast to,” and “drinking a toast to” to the allow list, and updated the meaning and reading explanations.

日欧 (29) - Made “Japan and Europe” the primary meaning, moved “Europe and Japan” to the allow list, added “Japanese-European” as an alternative meaning, added “European-Japanese,” “Japan-Europe,” and “Europe-Japan” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

乗車券 (29) - Added “boarding pass,” “train ticket,” “railroad ticket,” and “bus ticket” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

凝る (55) - Added しこる to the warning list.

We’ve also added new content this week, along with moving a couple of items and replacing one. Check out the details here!


Thank You mamimumason


Thanks! Really happy to see these updates, I am on level 15 and the first thing I thought when I saw CHANGE last week was oh no that’s not the red radical. And now it’s not, it’s AGAIN. Cheers.