冬 (3) - Removed “two” radical, added “ice” radical, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
図 (5) - Removed “ice” radical, added “drop” radical, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading hint.
場 (8) - Updated meaning mnemonic and hint.
終 (10) - Removed “two” radical, added “ice” radical, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
荷 (16) - Updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
討 (26) - Added う to kun’yomi readings.
徴 (26) - Added しるし to kun’yomi readings.
贅 (23) - Updated reading mnemonic and hint.
寄 (29) - Moved “approach” to the allow list, added “draw near” as the primary meaning, added “stop by” and “send” as alternative meanings, added “come close,” “bring near,” “gather,” “collect,” “forward,” “drop in,” “drop by,” “come closer,” “move close,” “move closer,” and “stop in” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
紅 (34) - Added く as the on’yomi reading.
噌 (35) - Added “miso” as an alternative meaning, added みそ to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
盆 (46) - Moved “lantern festival” to the allow list, moved “tray” to the primary meaning, added “ancestral festival” as an alternative meaning, added “festival of the dead,” “obon festival,” “lantern festival,” “ancestry festival,” and “bon festival” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
遇 (52) - Added “encounter” as an alternative meaning, added “reception” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic and hint, updated reading mnemonic and hint.
上げる (1) - Added “to give” to the warning list.
村人 (4) - Updated one common word combination.
下がる (5) - Added “to move back,” “to move backward,” “to step back,” and “to recede” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
当たる (5) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
上がる (5) - Updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
止まる (5) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
活用 (6) - Moved “conjugation” to an alternative meaning, added “utilizing” as the primary meaning, added “inflecting,” “utilize,” “utilise,” “utilising,” “utilization,” “utilisation,” “use,” “using,” “make use of,” “making use of,” “take advantage of,” “taking advantage of,” “put something to practical use,” “putting something to practical use,” “put to practical use,” and “putting to practical use” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
広がる (6) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
直す (6) - Updated reading mnemonic.
直る (7) - Updated reading mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
代わる (7) - Added “transitive verb” word type, moved “to substitute for” to the primary meaning, moved “to replace” to the alternative meaning, added “to take over for,” “to step in for,” “to substitute with,” “to be substituted with,” “to be substituted by,” “to take the place of,” “to take over,” “to take one’s place,” “to swap with,” and “to be swapped with” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
工事 (9) - Added “construct” and “constructing” to the allow list, added “construction work” as an alternative meaning, added “work,” “working,” “install,” “installing,” and “installation” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
大事 (9) - Updated one context sentence.
曲がる (9) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
配る (10) - Updated the reading mnemonic.
病む (10) - Added “intransitive verb” to the word type, updated primary meaning to “to get sick,” added “to get depressed” as an alternative meaning, added “to be sick,” “to be ill,” “to come down with,” “to suffer from,” “to be unwell,” “to be feeling down,” “to feel down” to the allow list, added “to be down” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
日本酒 (10) - Added “にっぽんしゅ” to the warning list, updated reading mnemonic.
決まる (10) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
助かる (10) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
転がる (10) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
終わる (10) - Added “transitive verb” word type, updated meaning mnemonic.
始まる (12) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
伝わる (12) - Moved “to be told” to the allow list, moved “to be conveyed” as an alternative meaning, updated meaning mnemonic.
集まる (12) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
受かる (13) - Moved “to succeed” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
温まる (14) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
旅行者 (14) - Updated one context sentence.
特技 (15) - Added “especially” to the block list.
人殺し (15) - Added “killer” to other meanings.
震災 (20) - Updated the reading explanation.
災害 (20) - Updated one context sentence.
災難 (20) - Updated one context sentence.
派手 (21) - Updated one context sentence translation.
際 (21) - Updated the reading explanation, added two context sentences, removed one context sentence.
いい加減にしろ (21) - Updated one context sentence translation.
建設 (21) - Added “constructing” as an alternative meaning, moved “building” to the allow list, added “build,” “establish,” “construct,” “found,” and “founding” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
増税 (21) - Updated one context sentence.
脱線 (23) - Moved “derailment” to the primary meaning, moved “digression” to the alternative meaning, moved “coming off” to the warning list, added “come off” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
副大統領 (24) - Updated one context sentence translation.
独特 (26) - Updated one context sentence translation.
掛かる (27) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
故に (28) - Added “subsequently,” “hence,” “for this reason,” “because of,” “as,” “since,” “as a result,” “thus,” “because,” “due to,” and “ergo” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
撃つ (28) - Added “ぶつ” to the warning list.
看板 (29) - Moved “store sign” as an alternative meaning, added “signboard” as the primary meaning, added “billboard” as an alternative meaning, added “sign” to the allow list, added “symbol,” “face,” and “signature” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic, added three context sentences.
勧誘 (29) - Corrected pattern of use errors for three common word combinations.
索引 (29) - Added “the table of contents” and “table of contents” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
強烈 (29) - Moved “strong” to the allow list, added “very strong” as the primary meaning, added “shocking” and “striking” as alternative meanings, added “heavy,” “powerful,” “very intense,” “so strong,” “so intense,” “strong and intense,” “very strong and intense,” “so strong and intense,” “hard,” and “very striking” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated existing context sentence, added three new context sentences.
商店街 (29) - Moved “shopping district” to the allow list, added “shopping street” as the primary meaning, added “shopping arcade” as an alternative meaning, added “commercial district,” “local market street,” and “market street” to the allow list, added “shopping center,” “shopping mall,” and “mall” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
招き猫 (29) - Moved “shop window cat” to the warning list, moved “beckoning cat” to the primary meaning, added “manekineko” and “maneki-neko” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, added three context sentences.
略図 (29) - Removed “の adjective” word type label, moved “rough sketch” to the allow list, added “rough diagram” as the primary meaning, added “simplified map,” “sketch map,” “map sketch,” “simplified diagram,” “rough sketch,” “schematic map,” “directional map,” and “schematic diagram” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated three context sentences.
街道 (29) - Moved “highway” to the allow list, added “main road” as the primary meaning, added “highroad” as an alternative meaning, moved “motorway” to the warning list, added “important road,” “significant road,” “major road,” “main street,” and “high road” to the allow list, added “way,” “road,” and “street” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic.
寄る (29) - Moved “to approach,” “to visit,” and “to drop in” to the allow list, added “to draw near” as the primary meaning, added “to come close,” “to bring near,” “to gather,” “to drop by,” “to come closer,” “to move close,” “to move closer,” “to stop in,” and “to get close” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated reading mnemonic, added three context sentences.
寄与 (29) - Moved “service” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
寄付 (29) - Moved “contribution” to the allow list, moved “donation” to the primary meaning, added “donating” as an alternative meaning, added “donate,” “contribute,” and “contributing” to the allow list, added “give” and “giving” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
主催 (29) - Moved “sponsorship” to the allow list, moved “promotion,” “promote,” and “promoting” to the warning list, added “host” as the primary meaning, added “hosting” and “sponsor” as alternative meanings, added “organizer” and “main host” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, added three context sentences.
寄せる (30) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
預ける (30) - Added “to leave someone with someone else,” “to leave something,” and “to leave someone” to the allow list, added “to leave” to the warning list, updated meaning mnemonic.
預かる (32) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
服装 (33) - Added “look,” “style,” “fit,” “ensemble,” “getup,” “outfit,” “clothes,” and “clothing” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic, updated one context sentence.
慎む (39) - Added to be “to be discrete” to the block list.
お盆 (46) - Moved “obon,” “obon festival,” and “lantern festival” to the allow list, moved “tray” to the primary meaning, added “ancestral festival” as an alternative meaning, added “bon,” “festival of the dead,” “ancestry festival,” and “bon festival” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
架設 (46) - Moved “building” to the allow list, added “installation” as an alternative meaning, added “construct,” “build,” “install,” “installing,” “set up,” and “setting up” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
下唇 (47) - Updated reading mnemonic.
盆踊り (48) - Moved “bon festival dance” to alternative meaning, added “ancestral festival dance” as the primary meaning, moved “lantern festival dance” to the allow list, added “obon dance” and “obon festival dance” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
処遇 (52) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
遭遇 (52) - Updated meaning mnemonic.
駿馬 (53) - Moved “しゅんば” to the warning list, update reading mnemonic.
盆栽 (54) - Added “bonsai tree” as an alternative meaning, added “potted dwarf tree,” “potted miniature tree,” “potted mini tree,” “bonsai art,” and “art of bonsai” to the allow list, updated meaning mnemonic.
鶏肉 (58) - Moved けいにく to the warning list and updated the reading explanation.