Thursday February 29 2024 Content Updates


止める (3) - Updated a context sentence.

(3) - Updated a context sentence.

対比 (9) - Added common word combinations, updated a context sentence translation, and replaced a context sentence.

比べる (11) - Added common word combinations, replaced three context sentences, and added a context sentence.

比例 (15) - Added common word combinations and replaced three context sentences.

得る (19) - Added “to acquire something” to the allow list.

比較する (27) - Added common word combinations, updated a context sentence translation, and added two context sentences.

憧れる (27) - Added common word combinations, updated a context sentence translation and added two new context sentences.

憧れ (28) - Added “admiration” as an alternative meaning, moved “aspiration” to the allow list, updated the meaning explanation, added common word combinations, updated a context sentence translation and added two new context sentences.

懲りる (43) - Added “to learn from experience” to the allow list.

旨い (43) - Added “good at” and “skilled” to the allow list.

南蛮 (60) - Added “northern barbarians” to the block list.