September 24 2021 Content Updates


(9) - added “front” to meaning warning list.

(3) - added “fresh”, “raw”, and “live” to meaning warning list.

(18) - added “teaching” to allow list.

(47) - updated meaning explanation.


常に (17) - added “almost always” as alternative meaning, moved “usually” and “ordinarily” to allow list, added “normally” to allow list, updated meaning and reading explanations, and edited one context sentence translation.

(5) - added “younger brother” to block list.

(2) - added “ten thousand” to block list.

治す (17) - added “to rule” to block list.

(51) - added “resistance” to block list.

落胆 (59) - added “demotion” to block list.

(58) - updated reading explanation and added two context sentences.

資料 (21) - added “documents” as an alternative meaning, added “sources” and “materials” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.

連中 (19) - added “companion” to block list.

創造 (26) - replaced one context sentence and added two more.

創造力 (28) - added two context sentences.

年内 (4) - added “by the year’s end” to allow list.

布地 (21) - added “clothes” to block list.

暴れる (19)​​ - added “to rise” to block list.

人類 (18) - updated meaning explanation.

保存 (16) - moved “preserve” to allow list, made “preservation” primary meaning, and added “conserve”, “save, “preserving”, “conserving”, “store”, “storing”, and “storage” to allow list.

窮屈 (56) - added “cramped” as alternative meaning, moved “narrow” and “stiff” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added one context sentence.

Transitive Verb Updates

表す (9) - added “to express something” as primary meaning, added “to show something” as alternative meaning, moved “to express” to allow list, added “to show” to allow list, and updated meaning and reading explanations.

持つ (9) - added “to hold something” as primary meaning, added “to carry something”, “to own something”, and “to keep something” as alternative meanings, moved “to hold”, “to carry”, “to own”, and “to keep” to allow list, and updated meaning and reading explanations.

保つ (9) - added as “to preserve something” primary meaning, added “to keep something” and “to maintain something” as alternative meanings, moved “to preserve”, “to keep”, and “to maintain” to allow list, and updated meaning explanation.

受ける (9) - added “to receive something” as primary meaning, added “to accept something” and “to catch something” as alternative meanings, moved “to receive”, “to accept”, and “to catch” to allow list, added “to take in” to allow list, and updated meaning and reading explanations.

返す (9) - made “to return something” primary meaning, and made “to return” alternative meaning.

売る (9) - added “to sell something” as primary meaning, and moved “to sell” to allow list.

苦しめる (12) added “to make someone suffer” and “to make suffer” to allow list.

間違える(28) - added “to make a mistake in something”, “to confuse something”, “to mistake something”, “to be mistaken”, “to be mistaken about something”, and “to confuse someone” to allow list, updated meaning explanation, and added two context sentences.


  • Level 7: 人里 (ひとざと) - human habitation
  • Level 57: 蒼白 (そうはく) - pallid
  • Level 57: 拓哉 (たくや) - Takuya
  • Level 58: 浄瑠璃 (じょうるり) - joruri, ballad
  • Level 58: 瑠璃色 (るりいろ) - bright blue


  • Level 57: (kanji) - moved up to level 60 to reflect how advanced and uncommon it is.
  • Level 57: 定款 (ていかん) - moved up to level 60 to reflect how advanced and uncommon it is.
  • Level 57: 約款 (やっかん) - moved up to level 60 to reflect how advanced and uncommon it is.


  • Level 57: 借款 (しゃっかん) - this word is very uncommon, and we have enough other words to practice the readings ofand 款.

Thank you, Jenny


Thank you, Jenny! :grin:


Think this is level 9, not level 3, right?

Uh oh, I have “by year’s end” on my user synonym list. Is that also gonna be blocked? I don’t really understand why it’s so different from “by the end of the year.”

Just learned this one today! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thanks Jenny!


Yes! Fixed, thank you :smiley:

Thanks for pointing this out! This is also a typo - it should say “allow list” not “block list” :sweat_smile: Sorry for the confusion!