Thursday December 14 2023 Content Updates


(5) - Updated the meaning mnemonic.

(29) - Moved じょう to the warning list.

(43) - Added “unusual” and “atypical” to the allow list, and added “curious,” “abnormal,” “atypical,” “weird,” “odd,” “unique,” “off-key,” “eccentric,” “offbeat,” “strange,” “quirky,” “funny,” and “peculiar” to the warning list.


六日 (2) - Added “ninth day” to the block list.
取る (6) - Added eleven common word combinations.

取れる (12) - Added eight common word combinations.

僧院 (18) - Moved “monastery” to the primary meaning, moved “temple” to the alternative meaning, added “ashram” and “convent” to the allow list, added “temple school” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.

雨戸 (23) - Moved “sliding storm shutter” to the alternative meaning, added “shutters,” “sliding shutter,” “sliding shutters,” “sliding storm shutters,” “storm shutter,” “storm shutters,” “hurricane shutter,” “hurricane shutters,” “sliding hurricane shutter,” and “sliding hurricane shutters” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

頑張る (25) - Added “to hang in” to the allow list.

係わる (25) - Added three common word combinations.

怪談 (26) - Updated the meaning explanation.

届ける (26) - Added “to report,” “to notify,” and “to register” to the warning list.

残品 (27) - Updated a common word combination translation.

第一段 (27) - Updated the meaning explanation.

組織 (27) - Added “organize,” “organizing,” “organise,” and “organising” to the allow list, and added “tissue,” “system,” “syndicate,” “systematize,” “systematizing,” “organisational,” and “organizational” to the warning list.

両替 (27) - Moved “change money” to the primary meaning, moved “money exchange” to the alternative meaning, added “make change,” “making change,” “give change,” “giving change,” “get change,” “getting change,” “make change for,” “making change for,” “give change for,” “giving change for,” “get change for,” and “getting change for” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

昇進 (27) - Added “rise in rank,” “be promoted,” “being promoted,” “get promoted,” “getting promoted,” “get promotion,” “get a promotion,” “getting promotion,” “getting a promotion,” “gain promotion,” “gaining promotion,” “gain a promotion,” “gaining a promotion,” “win promotion,” “winning promotion,” “win a promotion,” “winning a promotion,” abd “rising in rank” to the allow list, added “advancement,” “advance,” and “advancing” to the warning list, and removed のadjective from the word type.

昇る (27) - Added “to rise” as the alternative meaning, added “to go up” and “to come up” to the allow list, added “to climb,” “to climb up,” “to step,” “to step up,” “to mount,” “to be promoted,” “to get promoted,” and “to become” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.

怒鳴る (27) - Added “to yell” and “to shout” to the allow list, and added “to bark,” “to bark at,” “to roar,” “to roar at,” and “to complain” to the warning list.

誘惑 (27) - Added “tempting,” “luring,” “enticing,” and “seducing” to the allow list.

居間 (27) - Moved “parlor” and “parlour” to the allow list, added “family room” to the allow list, and added “den” to the warning list.

先端 (27) - Added “pint,” “end,” and “the end” to the allow list, and added “high” to the warning list.

手掛かり (27) - Added “track,” "key, and “scent” to the allow list.

貸す (27) - Added “to loan” and “to rent out” to the allow list, and added “to let,” “to let out,” “to hire,” “to hire out,” “to help,” “to give,” and “to use” to the warning list.

訪ねる (27) - Added “to pay a visit,” “to call on,” “to call at,” “to come over,” “to drop in,” “to drop by,” “to come to see,” and “to go to see” to the allow list, and added “to explore,” “to call,” “to come,” “to go,” and “to look up” to the warning list.

休暇 (27) - Added “vacation” to the allow list, and added “leave” and “break” to the warning list.

誘う (27) - Added “to lure,” “to lure someone,” “to seduce,” “to seduce someone,” “to ask out,” and “to ask someone out” to the allow list, and added “to call for,” “to come for,” “to induce,” “to pick up,” “to pick someone up,” “to tease,” and “to tease someone” to the warning list.

招待する (27) - Added “to invite someone,” “to summon someone,” and “to have someone over” to the allow list, and added “to ask” and “to ask someone” to the warning list.

逮捕する (27) - Added “To round someone up,” “to place someone under arrest,” “to place under arrest,” “to put someone under arrest,” “to put under arrest,” “to catch,” “to catch someone,” “to capture someone,” “to arrest someone,” and “to apprehend someone” to the allow list, and added “to round up” to the warning list.

両替 (27) - Added “change money,” “exchanging,” “changing money,” “exchanging money,” “making change,” “exchange currency,” “exchanging currency,” “break a bill,” “breaking a bill,” “change a bill,” and “changing a bill” to the allow list, and added “change” and “changing” to the warning list.

大規模 (27) - Added “grand scale,” “large in scale,” and “extensive” to the allow list, added “major,” “massive,” ”large," and “great” to the warning list.

究極 (27) - Added “final” to the warning list.

不眠症 (27) - Added “sleeplessness” and “sleepless” to the allow list.

切腹 (27) - Added “harakiri,” “commit harakiri,” “committing harakiri,” “commit seppuku,” “committing seppuku,” “commit ritual suicide,” and “committing ritual suicide” to the allow list

迷う (27) - Added “to be torn” and “to get torn” to the warning list.

着替え (27) - Added “spare clothes” as the alternative meaning, and added “changing clothing,” “change one’s clothes,” and “changing one’s clothes” to the allow list, added “changing,” “change into,” and “changing into” to the warning list, and updated the meaning explanation.

掛かる (27) - Added “to hang over,” “to dangle,” “to be dangled,” “to get dangled,” “to get suspended,” and “to be suspended” to the allow list.

給料 (27) - Moved “net pay,” “base wages,” and “base salary” to the allow list, added ”gross pay," “wage” and “earnings” to the allow list, and added “allowance” to the warning list.

迫害 (27) - Added “persecute,” “persecuting,” “oppress,” and “oppressing” to the allow list.

詰め込む (34) - Added “to stuff into” and “to cram into” to the allow list.

珍〜 (43) - The subject has been changed from 珍 to 珍〜, changed the word type to “prefix,” added “unusual” as the primary meaning, moved “rare” to the alternative meaning, added “peculiar” as the alternative meaning, moved “curious” to the alternative meaning, added “abnormal,” “atypical,” “weird,” “odd,” “unique,” “off-key,” “eccentric,” “offbeat,” “strange,” and “quirky” to the allow list, added “funny” to the warning list, removed one context sentence, added three context sentences, added collocations, and updated the meaning explanation.

焦る (45) - Added “to be patient” to the block list.

鈍感 (46) - Moved “thickheaded” to the alternative meaning, moved “thickheadedness” to the allow list, and updated the meaning explanation.

上唇 (47) - Moved じょうしん to the warning list.

凝る (55) - Moved “to be devoted to” to the allow list, and added “to be devoted to,” “to be crazy about,” “to be into,” “to be particular about,” “to be elaborate,” “to get stiff,” “to become stiff” to the allow list.


いつもありがとう :blush:




@mamimumason Hi! Is there a reason 靴 exists as a vocabulary card in addition to being a kanji? It’s the same reading so seems kinda redundant to have to learn it twice. Is it possible to remove it?

Same goes for Stomach really, 胃 (radical) 胃 (kanji) 胃 (vocab), last two both い.

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I would say that “shoes” is a pretty important kanji and word combo to learn. How would you know that the vocab is the same reading as the kanji if they didn’t teach it to you? This is a pretty common pattern, you’ve only noticed it twice in 26 levels?


Lord help us if they add a new colour to indicate the kanji and vocab is the same lol.


No, but these two examples are from level 27, where the cumulative reviews are peaking and it seems redundant to be needlessly adding to that pile.

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Thank you @cmoncrab san! I totally get your point about the redundancy. Unfortunately, at the moment, we can’t remove one of them. But we’ll brainstorm ways to address this issue and hopefully we can improve it in the future. :slight_smile:


ありがとうございました、@mamimumason 先生!

Recently I got the answer “arts” accepted for 武器 - can you blacklist this? It seems wrong.


Done! Thank you for spotting it. :smiley: :+1: