Thoughts? NHK Easy with Hidden WaniKani Vocab

Ok, so I just published my first beta of the script. You can find it here.

This is my first time making a JavaScript script outside of tutorials, so hopefully everything works.

I don’t have a GUI yet to set your WaniKani API token, so here are some directions. Please enjoy my skill with Microsoft Paint as I created screenshots for you. :laughing:

If you have trouble or questions, please ask.

Here are some basic instructions to get this script working:

  1. [ General Script Installation instructions ] :point_left: You’ll need a script host plugin like TamperMonkey
  2. [Create a Personal Access Token] :point_left: Generate a read only Personal Access Token
    2.1 The webpage should look something like the image below. Click on the “Generate a new token” button to create your Personal Access Token

    2.2. Give your token a description and leave all the checkboxes unchecked. My script just needs to be able to read your stats, I don’t need to change anything. :slight_smile:

    2.3 Copy the token you created with the description you gave in the previous step. It will be listed under the “Token” header.
  3. Edit User Script With Your Personal Token
    3.1 These directions are for TamperMonkey in Chrome for now as this is what I use and tested with. You will need to open the TamperMonkey dashboard by clicking the icon on the top right of your browser. Then click the Dashboard button.

    3.2 You should see the following dashboard screen. Click on the edit button which I highlighted in the red box.

    3.3 Replace the text put-your-api-token-here with your copied WaniKani token. Make sure to leave the quotation marks.

    3.4 Save your changes. You can do this by using “ctrl + s” on the keyboard or clicking “File → Save” on the Tampermonkey dashboard menu.
  4. [ Open NHK Easy ] :point_left: It’s time to start reading!