Things WaniKani doesn't teach you #3: A ton of verbs from level 1-10 kanji

Did you look in a monolingual dictionary? In any case, yes, it usually appears as an auxiliary, but it’s still a reading taught for 交.

I added a note that it’s typically an auxiliary.

They mentiond JMdict. That’s the dictionary database that Jisho (and a lot of other free English-Japanese dictionaries) use.


I had no idea 力 even had a verb form!
Interesting list. I would say that I’ve come across most of these but they definitely vary in how common they are.


Only knew half of these… thanks for sharing! :raised_hands:


Thanks for these. You always add valuable content here!


Are any of these Ichidan verbs?

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Yeah, a handful. I don’t think there are any tricky ones in there. The ones that look like ichidan candidates are, as far as I remember.

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Love this thread! I had no idea there was so much missing from what WK was showing me. Thanks so much for all your time and effort!

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Yaay. I knew 5 Words and learned 5 more!!

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Thank you for this. Just stsrting but I am sure it will be superuseful in the future.

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Hi! If somebody can speak Spanish I made a Quizlet with all these words. I=intransitive T=transitive

What I don’t understand is why can’t wanikani ever update to include new combinations, vocab or many other things that can improve the site?

They do improve the site all the time. And there’s already 6000+ vocab words, and that’s not what the site started with.

So “can’t ever” is not fair, I would say. But they’ve come close to settling on what they want it to be, and just having way more vocab isn’t necessarily in line with that goal.


Considering a lot of users use scripts to effectively remove vocab, and another large crowd complain of vocab clogging up lessons/reviews, I doubt another huge load of vocab is in the works.


Ahhh, now the reading of い in 「ラーメン食いに行こうぜ」 makes sense!

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A wild Nendo?! マジか、逃げなきゃだめ。

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