The BookWalker Freebies Thread

I would definitely recommend Girl’s Last Tour. It’s on the easier end of manga with no furigana - partly because of the language choices and partly because of the relatively light dialogue.

I loved the post-apocalyptic landscapes, the artistic concepts, the surprises the girls encounter, and the general feel good factor of the story.


Do you think that it’s a different scan or just post-processing?

Seems like either a better scan or way less compression… or both.

First Kindle, then Bookwalker.

Look at the fine texture and shading details, especially noteable in the gap of letter コ. Her face and hair tones also look sharper. To my eye Kindle is far better here. Bookwalker feels somehow “out of focus”, smeared and blurred.

Edit: So Discourse somehow converts these to .jpeg on upload? That makes comparison very hard… but you can do it yourself, this image is in the sample for both.


I agree, that is far better quality. The bottom one, the tones on the circlular tuby thing is completely smeared together, where you can make out the individual toneshapes in the Amazon version.

Weird though - I’ve previously found Amazon has crappier quality. But it’s probably just entirely series to series

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Yeah that’s night and day. So they have better scans available that they don’t use everywhere? That makes it worse somehow.

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The script is having some trouble and I probably won’t take the time to completely finish troubleshooting it today. In the meantime, there’s always the free stuff search query (although it’s at pretty low tide today).


Not the most amazing deals I’ve seen but Jump comics are 15% coinback with 30% additional if you buy more than 5 vols (I think).

Dandadan and Sakamoto Days are the current highlights, but just about every jump manga is in there probably, so go nuts


(Affiliate links)

Sound Euphonium manga are on sale, but I’m eying the novel - I have a physical on my shelf, but I get the feeling it would be easier to read for me digitally first…

About 350y give or take

actually all the novels are on sale, but the first one has the deepest discount. Although I am actually going to buy it on Kobo

(Also this book on Colombo. I’ve really been meaning to watch Colombo…)