as a newbie, i am ALWAYS 0/0 :3
I needed more than a year to get my reviews back to zero… I had up to 800 of them in the meantime and I really struggled to catch up, but after months of effort I finally did it

And then I also did some lessons as a little bonus for myself

LVL 10 - 来ました!
I attempted to write Japanese online and failed miserably - hoping to start working on that from level 10 onwards.
Woohoo! Had a bit of a review backlog pile up after a work trip where I didn’t stay on top of things, but we’re back on track now baby!
Back again, after 5 days
It’s been hard to keep up, and my reviews aren’t doing too hot. I think it’s because my morning reviews have to be rushed so I can get to class, so I end up doing reviews at odd times instead of my usual 9-1-9 times I was doing. Maybe I’ll just review my radicals & kanji in the morning, do lessons, and leave the vocab for later reviews. But yeah, this level took longer than it had to…
Anyways, I’m gonna use this weekend to catch up on schoolwork and my book club! I really have just fallen apart this semeseter, and am doing the bare minimum, and I hate it. I wanna be better.
Previous Levels
- Levels 30-40: Only the level 40 post has the previous level links. I’m a little to lazy to edit each level 30 post
- Levels 41-50
- Level 51
- Level 52
Streak: 24
Almost halfway there! And starting from this level, I decided to try lowering the maximum number of apprentice items from 100 to 80. There’s a couple of stubborn leeches that keep swinging in and out of Guru I that I hope to finally learn this way, which will greatly reduce the overall number of reviews… Hopefully
I’ve been doing the WaniKani 0/0 Streak Challenge on my own for just over a week now, where I aim to complete all my reviews and lessons every day. Today marks my 8th streak. I even created my very own heatmap to help keep myself motivated
Oopsie, late post lol. I got to level 55 a day and a half ago, but never posted the 0/0
Did a little better this week when it came to getting my work done, and I feel like I’m slowly returning to how I used to be. I still didn’t participate in the beginner book club, but I’m dead serious this time, I will be reading with them! But yeah, it’s crazy to think that I’ll be “done” with WK in about 5 levels! Like middle school me never would’ve believed it! I really wanna finish Genki II before I finish WK though cause it’s embarassing that I haven’t done that yet… my Quartet books are collecting dust
Previous Levels
- Levels 30-40: Only the level 40 post has the previous level links. I’m a little to lazy to edit each level 30 post
- Levels 41-50
- Level 51
- Level 52
- Level 53
Streak: 25
Picked up this anki deck and am slowly working through it - already helping with those context sentences in vocab!
I’m the queen of forgetfulness! Here’s my level 55 and 56 in one post, as I’ll hopefully reach 57 by tomorrow night.
Soon to be 4 levels left, the unlucky number! Reading Tale of Genji (in English) for my Asian History class right now, and it feels like reading Shakespearean prose but if was haiku and Japanese names
Previous Levels
- Levels 30-40: Only the level 40 post has the previous level links. I’m a little to lazy to edit each level 30 post
- Levels 41-50
- Level 51
- Level 52
- Level 53
- Level 54
Streak: 27