The 0/0 Streak Challenge

Level 31 – streak 31/31.


Time for my lv 18 #73 streak. :tada:


11 days later, a lot of new words, but surprisingly manageable. The problem now is finishing all the lessons before I guru the radicals and unlock even more lessons


Doing this now because I want more motivation to keep going! I’ve reached 0/0 on most levels–but not all—so I’ll just start here on level 22!


You got a good speed :slight_smile: i am really close to level up, just need one more kanji to guru :).

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Sad reading through this thread and seeing all the optimism and hope from posters posting years ago but sadly having not progressed in level!

RIP to those samurai fallen to the crabigator.


Level 12 - this was a tough one with over 100 lessons!

Starting to look a little grim!!


Yeah that’s a high number of apprentice items! A lot of people try to keep them around 100. Right now you have the apprentice items, guru items and master items showing up in your reviews, at some point the enlightened items will be there too, so you’ll have easily around 400 reviews a day. But if you have time and enjoy many reviews a day every day, going that way is a totally valid strategy too :grin:


I’m averaging a level every seven days. I work best when I’m able to work intensely! However, my concern is that having checked my level one items, I’m not going to start burning items for another 3 months. Which means things are going to get a lot heavier, maybe more so than I’ll be able to cope with. Well, fingers crossed!


I was doing the same and stopped doing that around level 16. By that time you have been taught enough relevant kanjis that you can start on reading, learning grammar and so on. Learning kanjis is only a tiny portion of what it takes to learn Japanese:x


I made it to Level 7 :slight_smile: .


Doubt. You don’t really end up with those sort of numbers unless speedrunning and that’s during the last 10-20-ish levels (because those levels are fast-levels, well some of them at least).

But, I agree with the general advice, watch those apprentice numbers @Chriss. :eyes: The other numbers look just fine, but you might wanna not rush through all lessons at once, unless that’s your thing. It’s been done before, but burn-out is also real.

You only really need to get those radical lessons out of the way anyway, if you wanna go fast. And then the second batch kanji, making sure you nail most of them. The other items can be spread out in the meanwhile. :slight_smile:


Thanks. What happened was I saw someone else say they had just completed level 60 in over a year and I got competitive! His basic advice was actually, the day the lessons come out, just take the hit and do them all that day. It’s a hard day, but it means they’re all being worked on which means they’re all one step closer to completion which of course means lower numbers. This so far has been very good advice - that and your tip about getting that second batch of kanji done fast and done right.

The problem I’m having isn’t with the kanji or radicals, it’s with the vocab. There’s a growing number of awkward words that are starting to pile up, mostly older words that had got to master or enlightened and then fell back to apprentice. The mnemonics work amazingly well for me with the radicals and the kanji, but not so much for the vocab - so I’m still trying to work out a strategy for dealing with that. On the bright side, when you do get a hold of the items that have fallen back, they’re easy to move on to guru which gives you a chance to get the situation under control.

My current accuracy stats aren’t too bad when taking account of typos and repeated mistakes on the same items!


Yeah, this is the main problem with going fast. I did as well on my first round and I did also go through all lessons in a single day, mostly, but it’s a method that demands you don’t have failing accuracy as you go. And even with good accuracy (which your accuracy certainly is! good job on that!), there are bound to be, as you way vocab with those strange readings, that just makes them wanna fall down the SRS-levels.

You’ll have to figure out for yourself how many leeches are too many to handle, but count on them also adding to the apprentice and guru count, which means more reviews/day.

If you want tips on how to handle leeches, you might wanna take a look at my study log. ^^ *ekg's leech battle blog - a study log of sorts it was mostly dedicated to handling leeches as I saw them as the main thing that took time and effort during reviewing (not the current SRS-items).


I suggest immersion as a strategy, nothing like seing the vocab used in context, to remember it :grin:
Several ways to do it, I don’t know how much grammar you know. You can try joining the Absolute Beginner Book Club here on Wanikani, or try Satori Reader (many stories available for free, but it’s a paid membership if you decide to commit), or there are also the free Tadoku graded stories


Thanks, that’ll be really useful! Always good to get that exposure to how other people are dealing with these things!


Thank you! I’m only Genki Chapter 3 at the minute. Do you think it’ll be okay to jump in to a graded reader?

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For Reading, anime or J-drama with EN sub works very well, if you aren’t ready for some real listening yet.

For Meaning, there is no better way than trying to comprehend native contents.


Can’t actually recommend them as they didn’t work for me, but Satori Reader did :slight_smile:
And after finishing Genki 1, I had no problem joining a book club and starting on real mangas! (using Mokuro for easy look ups inside the browser)


Nothing like reading manga or playing a game to nail those pesky vocab readings. I’ve had a realization recently that the vocab taught here is more important than the kanji… (please dont burn me in the stake)
I read in context "世の中” for the first time today and it really was like a serotonin hit in my head when I had that “YES” moment. :rainbow:
Of course, kanji are important, radicals… no comment-o, but in real life, I think vocab is gonna be the abundant thing.

My advice to you is to try to start reading material soon to help you remember organically and to give a more careful look to the vocab taught in here because those are tangible language tools.