8th level streak! Been pretty consistent lately in leveling up within about 8 days, not too shabby.
The Final Countdown Script has been super helpful for speeding up my reviews. I have also been breaking the monotony by using different apps for different review and lesson sessions, switching between the following:
- The Tsurukame app on my phone for general reviews (back-to-back reading and meaning for reviews, plus font randomization, yaaaaasss)
- The Jakeipuu app for going over lessons (it allows you to customize the specific items that go into your lessons, and has stroke order for kanji during lessons too that is pretty nice). I also appreciate that you can choose how large you want a review session to be, which I find chunking each review to 20 or 30 items to help make things less intimidating.
- The Juken app for when I dun wanna type at all anymore and just wanna swipe, LOL