Recently got a discount for a sub and decided to renew for a year. Removed my old payment method and added a new one (because i have new card). The first attempt was a failure due to limit on online transactions in my bank. WK page gave me an error and asked to try again. I refreshed the page just in case and did it again (after removing the limit) and payment went through. Also i got a receipt from my bank and a receipt from Tofugu LLC that payment was succesfull. BUT. i still have only three levels total and main page says that i am not subscribed.
Wrote to hello@wanikani but still no answer after ~20 hours.
I’m not angry or complaining, i’m just here to ask if anyone also got in this situation and how it resolved?
Some good lady from support just told me there is some sort of bug with payments and they are trying to resolve it in near future. And said she activated a subscription for me. No more details as i know of.
I haven’t encountered this before. This was only this time, when my bank rejected it and i had to upper the limit of the payment through the bank app and then making a payment again.
Thank you. It’s good that we regulars are up to date on what the issue actually is so that we can provide some information when it happens to others. Next time some posts asking about it I can tell them that they are having issues with their payment service and will active the subscription manually