Study Log of Madness

I suppose this week I have more weekly goals ticked off which is a win. I need to adjust the Guru of radicals and kanji goals to next week since I still need to review it in 1day and some hrs.

For listening, I was able to finish both S1 and S2 of Bungo Stray Dogs and I’m quite enjoying the passive listening. For reading, I was also able to finish Week #4. I can already see some newly learned vocabs + kanji in the last set of pages I read so I feel a bit more motivated to do readings.

Also, this time I feel like I’m on track again with full speeding WK until 20s.

This Week’s Summary (10th Week on WaniKani)

Weekly Activity Tracker (Nov 4 - Nov 10 ‘24)


Nov. 4 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • Did some 23 vocabs of level 10 + the 2nd half of Kanjis that were unlocked today
  • I started on The Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime and watched/listened to S1EP03. I should consider checking this out in anime melon for JPN subs.
  • Started on Week #5 of CCS ABBC and read around 4 pages (pp 40-43)
  • Bunpro reviews

Nov. 5 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • Did 21 vocabs of level 10
  • Didn’t do listening or reading today due to an all-day meeting at work.
  • Bunpro reviews

Nov. 6 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • Did 42 vocabulary lessons today :sweat_smile: these new lessons seem to be easier to learn than the other batch of lessons this week so I was going and going until it was dinner time haha
  • Didn’t do listening or reading today due to an all-day meeting at work.
  • Bunpro reviews and added 3 new grammar points in bunpro - I encountered the る-verb lesson in negative which prompted me to revisit Cure Dolly`s conjugation hack video. It started to line up in my head at least for the -ない verb helper that uses the -a endings.

Nov. 7 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • Did 20 vocabulary lessons today which brings me to my 0/0 for this week~
  • Didn’t do listening today due to multiple meetings at work sigh and I’m currently hate-watching our local politicians right now lol
  • Did manage to read CCS ABBC and finish Week #5 because I really want to read as soon as I can haha I found some sentences that were easy to read (one particle sentences :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) and I went over to Week # 6 and just got to one page for now :slight_smile:
  • Bunpro reviews for now and I can see I’m having trouble with negative past forms

Nov. 8 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening - Leveled up today!
  • Did all radical and kanji lessons that were unlocked
  • Didn’t do listening and reading today
  • Bunpro reviews

Nov. 9 '24:

Today was quite a busy Saturday for me. Had to go to the hospital for my check-up and afterwards we brought my kitty to the vet. I was also almost distracted for today and I forgot a lot of vocabs that were supposed to go enlighten. So I stopped the lessons for today and review those vocabs for now. :slight_smile:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • No lessons for today
  • Didn’t do listening and reading today
  • Bunpro reviews

Nov. 10 '24:

  • WaniKani reviews in the morning and evening
  • No lessons for today
  • Didn’t do listening and reading today
  • Bunpro reviews
  • Kana Quiz

Goals for this week:

Level up WaniKani to Level 11
Finish vocab for WK Lv 10
Guru the Radicals of Lv 10
Guru the Kanjis of Lv 10 - all Kanjis
Finish reading Week # 5 of CCS Bookclub!
Add 3 new grammar points on Bunpro - My Bunpro list is looking too empty
Watch Curedolly episodes
Weekly hiragana and katakana Quiz (Sunday)

Challenges I’ve Joined

Previous Weeks’ Summaries