In the header on the dashboard, there are buttons to lessons and reviews. By the way, I love the new header design! These buttons take you to a summary page. The data given on the summary page is without doubt useful after finishing the session. However, I cannot think of any scenario where I would be interested in the summary page before starting the session. In my opinion, it would be more convenient if the buttons on the dashboard would take you directly to the session. Feel free to change my mind if you disagree.
If you know of any userscript that changes this, please tell me.
I don’t know of any such user script off hand, and I can see it from your perspective. Personally though, I find this is a very useful feature for self study. After I do lessons, I go back into the lesson summary page 5 minutes later and quickly make sure I can recall the meanings and readings. I find that helps boost my retention so I forget less in the 4h reviews. This is also helpful for reviewing the failed items in reviews, but I do that a little less than I should.
Maybe an option would be an idea? Although I can’t see WK adding this since they have other priorities, I imagine it would be very easy to implement with a script. Have you considered requesting one in the API thread?
I do feel like always having access to the review summary has merits, since you can go over your errors and weak points of the past review session until you do your next one. It can help with leech quashing.
But it would of course be just as useful if you access it in a slightly different way. Moving it seems fine to me, as long as it is freely available. ^^
This script has stopped working for me with the latest dashboard updates (the new buttons, I suspect). I can’t figure out why, since it seems like the links are still there as they should be… @Kumirei do you by any chance still use it and does it work for you, or is it just me?