So far my Japanese

This is so far my Japanese, I created some sentences from my head, with all N5 grammar points, because, from & to, verb conjugation. Of course, this is not everything that you can create with N5 grammar, but at least for now, check it out.

  1. 私はベンです。

  2. お元気ですか。

  3. 私も元気です

  4. あしたに公園でパテーがあります。

  5. 私はびょういんですからあしたに仕事に行きません

  6. わたしのおばあさんのいぬはちゃいろです。

  7. 来年に日本に来ます。

  8. まくのじゅうぎょういんです。

  9. もしかしたら、わたしとともだちはあしたにパテーを行きます。

  10. きょうはくじからごじまでにがっこうある。

  11. たちま、シャワーをして、食べて。

  12. はちがつじゅうごにわたしのたんじょうびです。

  13. リオおおきくですから、猫よりリオのほうきれいです。

  14. 年上をじゃないです。

  15. きのうにふんぜんをじゃなかった。

  16. わたしはきょうにがっこうを遅れた


I can’t be the only one who thought this said 私はペンです


haha, it’s actually ben. But the default use of windows Japanese langauge is a little annyoing sometimes with continiously switching to katana and hiragana.


o-oh it doesnt ._.

Hi PBen


Well, that sounds dangerous.


I don’t feel qualified enough to list all errors in these sentences, but the most common error that I saw is that you use the particle に for あした, きのう and 来年. “A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar” says about this:

There are a number of time expressions that cannot take に; the typical ones are あさ, あした, きのう, きょう, おととい, らいねん, さいきん, etc. Generally speaking, if a time expression can be specified uniquely in terms of digits, the adverb can take に; otherwise, it cannot. げつようび is the ‘first’ day of the week, so it can take に. So can クリスマス, because it is December 25. But きょう cannot take に, because ‘today’ cannot be uniquely specified by date.


That is interesting. I’ve never thought about it like that and using に with those words doesn’t sound right at all in my head. I don’t know why I know it is wrong but it just sounds off. Maybe all the time I spent studying/listening/speaking/etc Japanese is finally paying off with some implicit knowledge.


A tip:
Type a word and then press F7 before committing the word, and you will get the full-width katakana. This will save you from having to switch to katakana and then back. The number of keystrokes aren’t that different for one-time uses, but in larger contexts it will be more beneficial.


Do you mind if I go through some of these and correct them? I don’t think I have the expertise to correct all of them but there are a couple that I can help with!

But for now I’ll leave this guide for the order of time, place, and location, and action in a Japanese sentence. Some of your sentences here are confusing to read because of the sentence order. I used this guide to practice this. Hopefully it helps!


I am just going to do my best to correct these some of these. Grammar is not my strong suit though so I will probably make some mistakes and I hope someone else can point out my failures. Will do my best to point out what was wrong and why.

  1. 私はベンです。(full width katakana)

  2. お元気ですか。

  3. 私も元気です

  4. あした公園にパーティーがあります。(Dropping に could be replaced with は and fixing the width and spelling of party.

5. 私は体調たいちょうわるくなりましたからあした仕事に行きません (As Saida pointed out you probably meant びょうき which does mean sick but I believe it is more of a disease type of sick. So now it is more of My body conditions (ie how I am feeling, sick) have become bad so because of this I will not go to work tomorrow.)

  1. 私のおばあさんの犬は茶色ちゃいろです。

  2. 来年日本に行きます。(It was next year I come to Japan. I assumed you meant I will go to Japan next year.

  3. マクのじゅうぎょういんです。(This sentence is fine as The employees of McDonald’s. However, I would write McD’s using katakana. (double side note in Kansai they say マクド))

Here is what I have right now. I will be adding on in a edit to the rest of them. One of my students just gave me a heart attack though as they came to get me for class and I thought that I didn’t have their class today so I didn’t prepare. Luckily, I am correct and that class is tomorrow. That is one heck of a way to wake up.

  1. もしかしたら、友達ともだちと私が明日あしたパーティーに行きます。(I changed around I and friends as I normally would say who I am with rather than they are with me. Also dropped the に next to tomorrow and dropped the を next to party. You are going to(に) a party and I don’t really think you would really ever us を with パーティー。I am not sure if もしかしたら requires かもしれない to be attached at the end of the phrase or if it can be dropped. If someone could point out the correct usage that would be great.)

  2. 今日は午前ごぜん九時から午後ごご五時まで授業じゅぎょうある。(The original sentence had 学校ある and taking a rough translation would have been Today from 9 to 5 there will be a school.(a school exist) I changed it to 授業 to mean class or lecture. So now it is Today, from 9 to 5, I have class.)

  3. たちま、シャワーをて、食べて。(Fixed the spelling and changed シャワーをする to シャワーを浴びる. I think both are fine personally unless someone wants to correct me. This is fine as listing an order of how things happened one after the other in a very casual setting. I quickly showered then ate. Could also be interpreted as Go show and then eat now, as a order depending on the context.)

Slowly cranking these out. Almost there… Someone else might want to comment on Number 11.

  1. 八月十五はちがつじゅうごにち私のたんじょうびです。(Here the only fix is adding 日 for the day.)

  2. リオ大きですから、猫よりリオのほうきれいです。(Not really understanding this sentence as to me it means Because Leo is big, Leo is prettier than the cat. Added some particles as well. 大きい should be in い form as it is not modifying a verb. のほうが is a grammar set as well.)

  3. 年上じゃないです。(じゃない doesn’t take particles. Also I don’t think 年上 would ever take the を particle.)

  4. きのうふんぜんじゃなかった。(could drop the は here. Also had to look up ふんぜん. Once again じゃない not taking the を particle. So this translates to Yesterday, I was not confused. Not sure of the word ふんぜん as it is the first time I’ve seen it.

  5. 私は今日学校遅れた (


Calling @Belthazar to check my work.

Will update with fixes and changes as they are pointed out to me.
I also see why people say teaching is a great way to reinforce learning. This made me double check things with my own Japanese and maybe improved my own Japanese for it.

Keep working hard @izildop Japanese grammar is difficult at times. Things eventually just fall into place.


One additional correction: に is used for location when the verb is ある, rather than で.



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I’m not sure if this is correct. Once again a citation from “A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar”:

で cannot be used to indicate location of existence. However, if the existential verb ある occurs with an event, で is used, as in:
今晩(こんばん)ジムの(いえ)でパーティーがあります。 (There’s a party at Jim’s tonight.)


I’m pretty sure シャワーをびる is more natural Japanese than シャワーをする. Also maybe don’t end the sentence with just a て form. シャワーをびて、食べます。 Something like that. And I don’t know what たちま is either unless it’s meant to be たちまち.


Interesting. I have heard both シャワーをする and シャワーを浴びる. I think both would work fine. Pointing out たちまち makes more sense. Will update.

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This would be 今日、私は学校に遅れた。/私は今日学校に遅れた。See: 「学校に遅れる」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索


Cool exercise, Ben! Keep making more of these, it’s fun!

I think they probably meant びょうき. In thst case, only the に after あした needs to be omitted.

が would be really weird. The date cannot be the subject of the sentence.


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I already had I feeling that I was doing something wrong, because I could remember from my class that ni couldn’t be used at specific words. Thanks for clarifying.

  1. I said, because leo is bigger, a leo is prettier than a cat. Maybe my understanding of N4 yori nohou was just bad.
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Thanks you and the others liked it and helped me out, I have been through the N5 material, enough times and now going slowly towards N4 now. Ofcourse still gotta practice.

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