Hi. Small thing but I’m really struggling to figure out what exactly this means. I’m playing Ni No Kuni and the objective in top left says “マークに話しかけよう”. I understand this as “Talk to Mark” or “Let’s go talk to mark”. I believe the よう does the “Let’s” part as the conjugation / helper verb. I understand the name and 話し but for the life of me I can’t solve よう together with かけ.
So overall, I get the gist but what is かけよう?
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Ahh, I see now. I didn’t realise はなしかける was it’s own verb. I really couldn’t solve the かけ part. Thanks for clearing that up. Been driving me insane.
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Get used to seeing 掛ける appended to other verbs like this!
Usually to create a meaning of “to start doing [the previous verb in -masu stem form]”.
And two verbs smashed together to make a new hybrid one, generally.
That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the help. It’ll be much easier to notice and understand that in future!