Small question around かけよう

Hi. Small thing but I’m really struggling to figure out what exactly this means. I’m playing Ni No Kuni and the objective in top left says “マークに話しかけよう”. I understand this as “Talk to Mark” or “Let’s go talk to mark”. I believe the よう does the “Let’s” part as the conjugation / helper verb. I understand the name and 話し but for the life of me I can’t solve よう together with かけ.

So overall, I get the gist but what is かけよう?

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It’s a volitional form! Verb[よう] (JLPT N4) | Bunpro


Ahh, I see now. I didn’t realise はなしかける was it’s own verb. I really couldn’t solve the かけ part. Thanks for clearing that up. Been driving me insane.

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Get used to seeing 掛ける appended to other verbs like this!

Usually to create a meaning of “to start doing [the previous verb in -masu stem form]”. :slight_smile:

And two verbs smashed together to make a new hybrid one, generally.


That makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the help. It’ll be much easier to notice and understand that in future!