Self-Study on iPad Tutorial

I was able to get Self-Study running on my iPad, it’s not the prettiest solution, but it worked. Please note that this solution will not automatically update the userscripts. This tutorial will install the versions available when you retrieve them. Here’s the rundown.

  • Under the section Content, click on Edit User Script.

  • Click the blue button for the Before load to edit.

  • Now we need to copy the source code of the Open Framework. On a different browser of your choice (Safari, Firefox, etc.) navigate to Wanikani Open Framework at GreasyFork, click Install this script, you should see the source code. Hit Cmd+A to select all, and Cmd+C to copy the whole thing.

  • Go back to Ohajiki, you should be at the code for Before load. We need to replace what’s existing there with the Open Framework. Cmd+A then Cmd+V should do the trick. Click Back on the top left, then turn on the switch to the right to enable this script.

  • We’ll do the same for After load now, so click the blue button for the After load to edit.

  • Now we have to add the Self-Study script, but the code relies on an external script called WanaKana. Usually, GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey handles this by adding them for us, but since we can’t have those on the iPad, we have to manually add the Wanakana script ourselves.

  • Back to the other browser, go to the WanaKana website. Hit Download. Before getting dizzy from the minified code soup, hit Cmd+A to select all then Cmd+C to copy the whole thing.

  • Back to Ohajiki, you should be at the default code for the After load. We have to replace it, select all (Cmd+A) and paste (Cmd+V).

  • Now, we will have to add the Self-Study Quiz code after this. Scroll down to the very bottom of the code, where you’ll see the last line starting with //# sourceMappingURL. Let’s add a line break after this line to breathe between two codes. Take your cursor to the end of the word .map, and hit Enter twice. You should see the cursor blinking below your newly added blank line. It’s time to add the Self-Study Quiz.

  • On the other browser, navigate to the Self-Study Quiz at GreasyFork, click Install this script, you should see the source code. Select all (Cmd+A) and copy (Cmd+C).

  • Back to Ohajiki, you should be at your cursor blinking after the blank line we added following the previous code. Paste (Cmd+V) the Self-Study code. If you want to double check, it looks like this at the combination point of both scripts.

  • Click Back on the top left, and then turn on the switch to the right to enable this script.

  • Both Before load and After load scripts should look enabled now.


  • Okay! Exit the preferences, navigate to the WaniKani website, login, and it should hopefully work!


Good to see that the Apple crowd has some options too. Does this work on iPadOS as well as iOS?


I’m pretty sure it does, esp. since the OS requirement for the browser is 13.0+

Does anyone know if there is any easier way? I would like to do some self-studying, but im w/o my home computer right now. Flying Durtles is awsome for android, I really wanted something similar for the iPad.