Say Something About The Kanji Above You

  1. Say something about the kanji that the person above you posts. It can be a definition, a description, a word using the kanji, a bit of history, or whatever you please. It can be from your mind or any other source.
  2. Post your own kanji. It may be related in some way to the kanji you are responding to, or it may not. You may include some information about your own kanji if you want.

I will start.

I have been enjoying this kanji all week, because it is in the name of the 力士(りきし)(sumo wrestlers) 照強 (てるつよし) and also 照ノ富士 (てるのふじ)


That kanji is on Level 30, and I might have known it by now if I didn’t spend so long on the forums.

This is one of my leeches:


Can mean a mathematical proof: 証明 (しょうめい)! Also, is made from the “say” and the “correct” radials.

Here is another from from a 力士 name:


炎炎の消防隊 I assume? Fire/flame Extinguishing Squad :wink:

Great show and the 炎 Kanji doubled like that emphasizes the type of fires they fight.

Here’s mine:


Also, it characterises the squad. An alternative translation/interpretation might be The Blazing Fire Brigade.

消 immediately reminds me of 消しゴム, because although it doesn’t make much sense in English, in my language it’s literally called “extinguishing rubber”.

Next one:


Is that a 力士? >_>


That’s one I could never properly remeber when I took a language course at uni. We learned it together with 学 in 通学 (commuting to school). (And yes, I had to look that up right now, ‘cause i still don’t really remeber that one. -.-’)

The one I somehow always confused the previous one with:


I always get that one, because it is a picture of my dog’s のse squished against the window when he goes for a ride!

Sorry, here is another sumo one:

輝 (from the name of the only top 力士 with a one-kanji name)


乗り場 Bus stop Place for boarding
乗客(きょうきゃく) Passenger
Why the きょう tho? Kanji you is confusion.

命乞い Begging for one’s life いのちごい

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No idea about the きょう, because it’s read じょうきゃく, but kanji typically tend to have onyomi readings when they are part of a multiple kanji compound and kunyomi readings when they are alone or with hiragana.


輝く helped me remember 鮮やか, because they are kind of similar in concept and sound.

Next one, the infamous 29-stroke kanji:


I blame for this.


Was it a typo and you were asking about why it’s the onyomi? Or did you think the reading is きょう?

Ohh no I just learned the word outside of Wanikani so I know about Un and Kun readings, it’s just I reckon it would just be better to just leave the No regardless. -.-

I sure would be GLOOMY if I had to write that sucker out by hand…

My favourite kanji is 屁. Discuss.

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Yeah, I totally missed that part :laughing:

All I can say is I’d probably confuse it for 皆, 混, or 昆. lol

How about 誠?

It’s 言 for meaning + 成 for sound (せい)
Its kunyomi まこと(truth, sincerity, honesty) is really neat because it’s an ateji for 真事. Also if you take the subway in Tokyo you can probably chant this: 誠にありがとうございます!

Next: 遡


I like how this even sounds like fish going upstream, which is the situation where I learned it from. For all I know, that’s where it comes from.

I’m a sucker for these kinds of kanjis: 啜. I saw it in a book combined with a funny onomatope like すっすっ or something, but I already forgot the exact phrase :sweat:.

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I think I read this kanji in HP, but I forget the reading :woman_facepalming: But then I just wanted to offer the kanji for すする as the next kanji… Can you guess what it is?

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