I wish that in the next update in wanikani, that the context sentences can be heard.
I agree, they should’ve added audio a long time ago.
In the meantime, you should get a browser add-on like Read Aloud. That lets you highlight a sentence and hear it narrated through text-to-speech.
There is an Anime Sentences extension that gives you examples of sentences using the current vocab word with audio. You can also filter to see sentences with vocab from your level.
The script is not perfect, but it’s still nice to hear the vocab used in actual sentences or in actual expressions rather than the weird context sentences.
I added the tamper monkey extension but it is not working.
Do you have the WaniKani Open FrameWork and Item Info Injector scripts installed as well?
IIRC I was very confused about why Anime Sentences wasn’t working when I was gathering scripts myself. First, I realized I forgot to install Open FrameWork, and then I looked in the replies of the Anime Sentences script post and saw a comment saying Item Info Injector was now needed because Anime Sentences’ own was outdated (or something like that). I’m not particularly technologically literate tho lol
Thank you very much. I did all the steps correct. I discovered the reason why it did not work.
It did not work because i have to choose all the anime in the list to start generating the text. I am starting to try it now. It looks like so much fun.
With give or take 6000 vocabulary items on wanikani, with most of them having at least one example sentence, though often even more… that’s not something that will happen any time soon. That’s just a lot of audio that would need to be recorded.
I agree but i think they should start anyway.
So I just said this in a different post but I think this is a more fitting thread lol.
I wish they’d make lesson batches available from midnight or give us that open; I don’t like anymore how lesson batches at available exactly 24 hours from they were last completed. I work various hours so I quite often have gone days without being able to do any lessons because they haven’t been available at the time I have that day to complete them. I did contact them asking if they’d consider making them available from midnight ie like the option you have in Bunpro, and they basically said no. So I’ve been stuck at level 11 a while now with all the available kanji at passed level…
There is this userscript that adds it [Userscript] Advanced Context Sentence 2
This is awesome. Thank you very much
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