Since I’ve installed item inspector, I noticed I have already burned two of the level 23 items (one of which I don’t recognise ). There is a third item at guru II which must have been shuffled in the update. It will be interesting to see how much of a head start I have for future levels.
Reviews went fine, but I almost forgot 飛の音読み so I want to focus on lessons for that. Why do I have a level 9 kanji available? There’s no vocab for it at the moment, so I’ll leave it until my Lv22 lessons are done. None of which contain 飛. Neither do my Lv23 vocabs. There goes that plan.
Not sure I got the grammar for my sentences quite right, but I know what I’m trying to say and I can fix them later if need be.
Read 北海道. I think I’ve learned 牧場 is livestock? 後輩 is the opposite of 先輩 right? I think these words are coming soonish for me. I struggled with the 観光地 page, but the rest was understandable. (I looked up 牧場 after, it’s the place where the livestock is, should’ve recognised the 場 part.)
Carefully going adverbs and that. 偶に has a kanji form that I’m not going to remember. What I did remember was at uni when asked what I did in the past week I’d answer 「時々います。」Nowadays I actually do stuff with my life. Sometimes. 時々はいい言葉ですよ。
After I spent my time on that, I realised I should be saving these back pages for when I have meh days, and on productive days I should move on. I have enough meh days that I’ll get through them.
I want to start a “book” club for this game. However, my motivation comes in bursts and I don’t want to drop it. SO. I am going wait until the current ABBC ends and I have successfully stuck with it. I’ve also decided to dip my toes in the the BBC, so I should see if I can stick with that as well. By the time those both finish it’ll be July, so I have a few months to see if motivation sticks.
In the meantime, I can think about how this would be done, get a vocab sheet formatted, what the schedule would be like with no pages, figure out how to use the templates here, and so on.
Also, having a closer look at the VN book club, I see they did the Nonary Games? I’m gonna have to give that a look.
I just spent ages helping my sister set up anki so she can put her newly learned hiragana in there, and a natively account to go with the bookwalker account she set up last night, and there was so much lag in the call I’m so tired. I did a few of jpdb reviews but I don’t know why I bother.