Reading the Context Sentences

So I’m only on level 12, but I just started realizing how much of the context sentences I can make out in the vocabulary lessons. I could even read all three context sentences for ~階. So I wanted to know, is anyone else noticing this?


Let’s see how much you understand from around lvl 20 onward :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That sounds ominous


It may or may not be foreshadowing…


i’m definitely understanding more than i did in the beginning. but then, looking at the frequency charts for reading on wkstats, by level 10 we ought to know more than half the kanji we encounter. so it makes sense that we can start reading stuff ^^


Wait, for real? :smiley: Now I suddenly feel special :smiley:

I struggle a bit with the context sentences when they use kana in places where kanji should be used, resulting in half-kanji words or introducing kanji which was not shown before. I’d rather just have them hit me with kanji in all the right places so that I have to figure them out :stuck_out_tongue: .


To be honest I never looked at the context sentences much. Maybe if I go through wanikani again I will, but in trying to hit level 60 in less than a year, I pretty much only had time for meanings + readings.

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Note that the context sentences do indeed add some context that the meaning alone can‘t. Why is there about a dozen words that mean „judge“, or „law“… you‘d never know the difference without context. Or looking it up, but that‘s way even more time consuming,


I figure if I see it in something I’m reading, which “judge” it will mean will be kind of clear from the context. And if that fails I can always look it up again.


I’m a lot slower at 21 in over 7 months, but i still mostly ignore context sentences. Sometimes I’ll check the English version of a sentence to have a better understanding of the meaning, but rarely more. Some examples are just waaay too ridiculous. :slight_smile: Did you make it in a year btw?

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Yeah, I ended up hitting level 60 in 352 days. Level 60 thread is here: My Journey of 352 days

I’m still cleaning up WK items as they come up for review, but it’s nice to have 6.7k items burned now.