Reading for 解くand 解ける

Is there a season why WK only teaches the reading of とく?It can also be read ほどく.
Same applies to 解ける and it’s reading of ほどける.
The meaning differs slightly but it would be nice if WK at least mentioned the other readings, since they look exactly the same when written.

To be fair, those aren’t jouyou readings, meaning they aren’t readings taught in Japanese compulsory education. Most kanji have at least some less common readings that WaniKani doesn’t bother teaching.

If you want to know which readings are compulsory or not, you can check kanjipedia. Pink readings are taught in school.


Of course, WaniKani does teach some non-jouyou stuff, but from my perspective if something is non-jouyou I wouldn’t necessarily question why they haven’t added it.


Well, that’s fair. But since in this instance it was spoken by a child, that indicates to me it’s a common enough reading to warranty inclusion, despite not being a Jouyou reading

Sure, plenty of non-jouyou things are common and known to Japanese people. Though just because a child knows the word ほどく doesn’t mean they could read 解く correctly, but I get what you mean.

As seen above, you can write わかる with 解 as well, and わかる is a super common word, and I’ve seen it written as 解る in novels. WK will end up drawing lines somewhere.

ほどく often gets written in either kana or with furigana in any case.


Thanks for clarifying. Figured a suggestion couldn’t hurt. WK does need to draw a line somewhere, but it can always keep expanding.
But you’re right. It’s actually usually written using kana alone. So that does excuse the absence

Yeah, don’t take my guess at why they didn’t already include it as meaning they shouldn’t consider it. If you email them at about it, they will probably add it to their list of things to discuss addressing.


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