Currently Reading: 魔女の宅急便
I finished 気になってる人が男じゃなかった on day 1, and loved it. It’s such a fresh series and I love the two main characters so much (especially the very relatable みつき). I bought the second volume when I was in Japan a couple months ago, and I can’t wait to dive in.
But in the mean time I am struggling through 魔女の宅急便. I started it late last year, put it down for a while, and decided to use this reading challenge to get through it. I’m currently on ~p. 70. Don’t get me wrong, I love the characters, the story, the world – everything! I just don’t know why this book is so dang hard for me. I think it’s the colloquial expressions/dialogue and also my own reliance on kanji to read. Since it’s, in theory, a book for young readers, it is very, very light on kanji. I’m trying to read through without stopping to look up words, but a few of the times I have done that I was like “ohh…duh…” because it was a word that, with kanji, I would have understood no problem.
Anyway, there’s still a lot of the book left to go, so I hope I can find a good groove!