August 14th (Wednesday) to August 16th (Friday):
Every day, I read 2 NHK Easy articles and 1 tadoku book.
August 17th (Saturday) and August 18th (Sunday):
I had planned to subscribe to the paid version of Satori next month, when I was around level 15. However, Satori is having a summer promotion, so I took advantage of the discount and started using Satori early. Since there is no NHK Easy on Saturday and Sunday, I spent the two days reading/listening to the first 2 episodes of the beginner series. I had already read these episodes quickly, to get to know the reader, but this time, I am analyzing the text more carefully (and using the tools available to subscribers).
From now on, I intend to include at least 2 episodes of Satori per day. When I have more time, I will try to read more episodes.
I am using the tips that were given in the topic: