📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Spring 2024 🌸🍡🌱

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: :video_game: :cherry_blossom: :shamrock: April 1

Got home super late so I only read a couple of pages of 傲慢と善良. Currently at 48%.


April 2nd!

I finished Chapter 3 of 気になってる人が男じゃなかった today, so I’ve caught up to the bookclub.

(Home Post)


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年4月2日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Secret 2 episodes 56/98
:desert_island: ISLAND 5k 420.000 char 24 new words
:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス 5 chapters 26/175
シャドーハウス Chapter 25

Wow, never thought I’d see “Galette des rois” written in Japanese :joy:


四月二日・Home Post

I read two Lv2 Tadoku books, やせうま and 吉四六さんの話 ~舟のお金~. I’m still not entirely sure what happened in the second.

I read two chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん and one chapter of スーと鯛ちゃん 1 .

I attempted to read the colour pages and introduction page of 薬屋のひとりごと.



:previous_track_button: Previous | :house: Home post | Next :next_track_button:

Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-04-02 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部6 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 26-27
:page_facing_up: 61 pages
:hourglass: 0h35m

Two more chapters down on 本好きの下剋上 and we got to Myne’s big conversation with her family. If you’ve watched or read it, you know which one. Still makes me emotional

(LN: Part 1 to Part 3 spoilers, entire anime spoilers) Between this and the conflict with Ferdinand and the Head Bishop, I think part 1 is the strongest of the parts I’ve watched or read. The noble adoption in part 3 is maybe the next closest, but it didn’t quite hit as hard as this part 1


I have reached the halfway point of 推し短歌入門! Currently at 46k/90k characters read, so just past 51%!

I wrote a whole lot about the first 1/3 of the book in my study log here if you're curious about some of the highlights and things that it has got me thinking about! (warning: long)

I’ve been posting my finished tanka on my (locked) twitter account, though my potential reader base maxes out at, like, maybe five people, and of those people, there are maybe two who are able to read Japanese proficiently and also appreciate/understand pro wrestling stuff. But my Japanese friend did like my tweets, haha, so either my poems are at least ok, or she’s just being supportive :sweat_smile:. Either way, I’ll take it.

I think I’m going to save the in-depth descriptions of the poems and the book as a whole for my study log, but I might cross-post it here as well!

I do want to share, though, the next few tanka that I’ve finished! Full explanations are to come later in my next study log update.

にこやかなベビーフェースの面脱いで生地を一刀 両断に切る


For context, read this.

念願のベルトを巻いて上に立つ 王が一人で呪いを背負わなければいけない


This one wasn’t inspired by any example in particular, but as my friends and I always say, championship belts are cursed…

I have a very busy week ahead of me, but so far I’m weathering it pretty well! It’s been a bit tough, though, trying to devote 2 hours to reading the tanka book and 2 more hours to translating Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling every single day. And I have probably at least two more weeks of that to look forward to if I want to finish this book in time and also not fall behind on my translations.


:cherry_blossom::sunny::memo: 4月 2日

Book Natively Progress Type
:crystal_ball: ありす19th L 21 67% → 85% Manga
:mechanical_arm: 鋼の錬金術師 (FMA) L 30 63% → 66% Manga

I’m one chapter away from finishing the first volume of ありす19th!! Chapter 4 went by super quickly because there’s a lot of action in lieu of dialogue. I’ve also started skimming ありす’s handwritten diary entries instead of attempting to decipher them because the tiny handwriting is just overwhelming :sweat_smile:

As for a novel to sink my teeth into over the next few weeks, I collected some recommendations and chose different genres to taste; fantasy, action, Suzume (her own genre), mystery, and Lycoris (also its own genre).

They’re all Natively level 30-32 so it really comes down to reading the first few pages of each and seeing what hooks me ^–^

If you’re interested in checking them out:

See you next time!

zoom back up to home thread


:bug: April 2nd :horse_racing:

Mountains :mountain: was Renshuu’s beginner reading, but it just didn’t jive with me. I get a lot of these are more like cute diary entries, but this one felt pointless.

The intermediate club :rabbit2: wasn’t really my cup of tea either. It was cute but the takeaway to me seems like you should force yourself to live in loneliness rather than attempt to make connections

I was hoping to read Nausicaa :bug: but something came up. :confused:


This is the second time this has happened to the participant list. @ksiretsus did you mean to do this? (Or is this just something new that I don’t know about yet?)


I think it’s a weird fluke with the table updater :thinking:


Looks like you’re right, all issues arose due to the table editor, but it doesn’t necessarily cause an issue every time. @Mods are you aware of this issue?


I only added myself using the same format as the other names. Looking at the markdown it seems like the bottom few entries are duplicated, that, I did not add.


Alright, that’s what I suspected. Looks like there’s some tomfoolery going on on Discourse’s end :male_detective:


I wonder why it does that. For a second when I saw you mention me I thought I’d done something terrible like delete half the participant list lol.


:motor_scooter: back to my home post

:star: 04月02日 Type Progress
:girl: ABBC 老女的少女ひなたちゃん manga 13% → 17%
:eight_pointed_black_star: ナルト vol. 1 manga 20% → 29%
:owl: ハリーポッタと賢者の石 prose 13% → 14%

Read this week’s granny girl hinata chan section, more Naruto, and a little more HP. It’s funny to see when the percentage ticks over; I really didn’t read a lot of it today, maybe just a few paragraphs.

Thinking of some goals for this challenge… Loosely, I want to make sure I’m reading prose every day. I also want to make real progress on some of my prose reads, maybe 25% on HP and somewhere around 2/3rds (or even completed?) for Fushigi Sweet Shop and Goosebumps. If it gets reliably warm anytime soon, I can sit on the porch in the evenings and read my paperback copies, that’s what I really want. Sadly the storm system that just moved through is going to give us cool weather again. :smiling_face_with_tear:


2024.04.01 :tulip: home post
:headphones: 気になってる人が男じゃなかった1: 39% → 43%
:earth_asia: 教養366 Day 38 - レオナルドダヴィンチ

:earth_asia: 教養366 Day 39 - ミケランジェロ

I’ve been making my way through 小学生なら知っておきたい教養366, which is a kids education book where you learn about a new topic every day. This week is all about famous artists around the world.

I’m not sure what I prefer more, “learning” about things I already know about (but in Japanese), or learning about completely new things (like last week’s topic of famous Japanese architecture). The former is easier and teaches me how to talk about things I already know about, but the latter is more interesting!

Going on a flight tomorrow, so I’ve got to decide what to read on the flight… here’s a poll in case you want to sway me :slight_smile:

  • 気になってる人が男じゃなかった1
  • 神さまがまちガえる3
  • get a head start on 葬送のフリーレン
  • read a bunch of days’ worth of 366
0 voters

3 April | Jintor’s Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:coffee: 焼いてるふたり 3 manga 25 0 → 35%
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 79% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 52% (no change)
:rock: ダンジョン飯5 manga 29 56% (no change)
  • I was feeling a bit out of it, but managed to start up 焼いてる二人3。They made hot sandwiches and coffee… which seems nice… this is a very pleasant series, but thankfully that’s because it’s not that challenging (though it does have a decent amount of new vocab).

Do you want help with it? Just read it so I can explain if you want :slight_smile: (I have to say I was expecting something easier!!)


:xray: SeanBones’ home post :xray:

Extended Mag :newspaper_roll: Harta :heart: Nozaki :fountain_pen:
Study Log/Plan/Media List

Gotten off the wagon a bit with my Japanese reading, so I want to use this challenge to not only hold myself accountable to reading, but hold myself accountable with posting and responding to others as well. More reading goals are listed here!

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Finished Books

Book Date Finished
:fountain_pen: 女装してめんどくさい事になってるネクラとヤンキーの両片想い 1 April 1st/2nd
:axe: Dai Dark Chapter 46 April 3rd

April 3rd | SeanBones’ Home Post

Book Progress
:axe: Dai Dark Chapter 46 Finished


First day off to a good start! I used to read Dai Dark with a friend in English, updating each other every day. Now that we are finished with the English, we decided to read the most recent chapter in Japanese. For as crazy as the Dai Dark world is, the chapter was actually super duper easy!! Great ease back into reading Japanese!