📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Fall 2024 🍁🌰🍎

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Home Post :maple_leaf: | Week 9

11月29日 (金)

  • 薬屋のひとりごと Vol.2 (56-63%)
  • Christmas Tina :video_game: :cn:

11月30日 (土)

  • 薬屋のひとりごと Vol.2 (63-65%)
  • Christmas Tina :video_game: :cn: – OP cinematic + start Ch.3
Japanese Furigana


November 30th!

Another volume finished today - which is a nice way to end the challenge!
Today’s was the first volume of カードキャプターさくら - which is a fun achievement for me since Cardcaptor Sakura was what inspired me to want to learn Japanese when I was young.

(Home Post)

End of challenge Summary: 100% :tada:

Books Completed

  • Witch Hat Atelier - Volume 4-5
  • Full Metal Alchemist - Volume 2-3
  • Shadows House - Volume 18
  • Dungeon Meshi - Volume 1
  • Teasing Master Takagi-san - Volume 20 Series Complete! :tada:
  • Ruri Dragon - Volume 2
  • The Promised Neverland - Volume 1
  • Cardcaptor Sakura - Volume 1

Somehow I’ve managed to finish ten volumes during this challenge!
I’m really happy with myself for this, because honestly its been a rough few months for me, which has culminated in me quitting my job… again…

Thanks to everyone for the comradery, cheerleading and inspiration - having this challenge to motivate me, and keep me feeling like I’m progressing in something has been so helpful to me.

As always, I’ll still be here reading and posting during December! But for anybody who is taking a break, congrats for reaching the end of the challenge, and I hope to see you again in the New Year for the Winter Challenge :slight_smile:


November 30th - Home post

VN again today as always - today Grisaia on Switch.

And that’s 3 challenges finished and 8 months of reading every day. Mostly VNs but also a little novels and manga. VNs are my favorite medium for now though. So many VNs to read, so little time!


Home Post

Title Yesterday Progress
:guitar: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく 2 pages 20%
:rabbit2: 約束のネバーランド 13 pages 86%
Title Today Progress
:cold_face: 葬送のフリーレン 3 13 pages 43%
:guitar: ぼっち・ざ・ろっく 2 pages 21%
:crossed_swords: 空の軌跡 1.5k Wk14

And that is challenge complete! I missed a couple days, but other than that it went well. I finished three volumes of manga and a children’s book. Though, I’d already read most of them before this challenge started.

Looking at my book list, I probably have read enough to finish more volumes, but it’s just split among all the different things XD. That’s how I prefer to read though, so it’s fine.

Book List

* I read a couple pages but not enough for the % to increase
** Game, not on natively. Possibly about 30k characters read throughout the challenge?


30th november :fireworks:

some misc bits and pieces in jp, nothing extensive, but that’s okay. since i finished men at arms yesterday, i needed to start a new english book! so i picked the queens of innis lear by tessa gratton, which i think i picked up second hand somewhere but i can’t remember why? it’s a historical fantasy kind of book with a hefty dose of political maneuvering to go with it i think. it’s very long (568 pages in a pretty small font) so i might still be reading it by the time the next challenge rolls around :joy:

and that’s it! idk about anyone else but this challenge flew by! i’ll do a round up post tomorrow but for now congratulations to everyone who took part and i’ll see you all again next time! tho i’ll still be lurking in here, ofc

emoji book pages read
:lion: 3月のライオン vol 10 65-x
:mag: lost judgment x
:rose: 容疑者(ようぎしゃ)Xの検診(けんしん) 310-x
:crossed_swords: the queens of innis lear 0-22

today’s nhk article was x plus the entries on x and x in aDoAJG


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月30日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Amount :apple:
NHK Easy Article 2

Tomorrow I will have the JLPT N4 Reading part as my reading haha



:bookmark: Home post // November 30 :maple_leaf: :apple: :snowman_with_snow:

本好きの下剋上 32 || 70.42% → 100% || Characters read: 62.3k || Progress: 212k / 212k ||

Wuiii, finished the book in time for the end of November, nyohoho :ok_hand: Also reached my goal of 10k novel pages in a year! :partying_face: This pace is crazy, I feel like I’m eating the books in this series like a hot knife cutting through butter. There’s just one volume left tho… I don’t want it to end TuT And at the same time very excited.

We’ve reached the end of the challenge, everyone :durtle_hello: お疲れ様でした! Hope to see you guys around in the next one as well :sparkles: (I’ll continue posting as always )


I know the feeling! The last volume is worth it, AND there’s a spin off series that looks promising (only one volume out so far, though)


:arrow_backward: Prev | :house: Home | Next :arrow_forward:

Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-30 :mountain: 二ノ国 :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 港町ビッキーん
:clipboard: MQ 19-21
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 3h25m

Finishing off the challenge period with a long session of Ni No Kuni where I undertook the temple of trials and stopped a volcano from exploding (by throwing a very large rock in, which is some questionable geology)


Well, I’ll aim not to do another massive info dump like my last post for a while!

28/11 7 pages 魔女の宅急便 (finished chapter 9), 68 pages とんがり帽子のアトリエ (finished chapter 33, read chapters 33+34, finishing volume 6)

29/11 2 pages 魔女の宅急便

30/11 3 pages 妊娠のカレンダー, 16 pages 約束のネバーランド (finished volume 1), 6 pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん

On 28th I got off the dive boat (which was a relief after being ill all week), and had quite a lot of reading time before (and on) my flights. That night my iPad died, which meant I couldn’t read for the travel the following day, and I was exhausted so managed only a token effort.

Yesterday went a bit better but I’m still very tired. Working later today so I’ll probably only manage a small amount.

I’ll keep posting in the off month as usual.


My timing might be wrong since we all live in different places, but congratulations to everyone for finishing their reading challenge!! :smile::tada: And good luck to those who still got a bit to go! (me haha)


Congrats on making it to the last day of the official challenge!

Please feel free to continue if you like.

I’ll make the next challenge thread in the 下旬 of December



November 28th

Some pages of Chapter 31 of JoJo Part 7

I’m guessing the day


The challenge is already over. Time really flies by.

I didn’t even miss a day during this challenge just forgot to post on most days. During the time I didn’t post I played some Trails of Cold Steel 2 and Trails from Zero. For books I read a little bit Kono Suba and some essays from ベスト・エッセイ2021.

Thanks to Black Friday I got some new video games, which I will play in japanese. Talking about video games I am a little disappointed I got some more Legend of Heroes games and I am surprised that they are not that hard to play in japanese. People on the net claim that it is the hardest series to play in japanese.


Oh, December is not included? :open_mouth: Oh well.

I’ve completed half and then died for the entirety of November, but now I can read again~

It was a cool challenge and was a lot of fun while I could participate :blush:


:cloud_with_rain: soggy’s challenge review :cloud_with_rain:

Fell off of posting every day because it got to be a bit too much, and I don’t actually need external motivation to read Japanese these days.

One win recently was that over the holiday this week I managed to keep daily Japanese reading; in the past this has been something I’ve struggled with during a change of routine.

Finished this challenge:

4 manga volumes

1 children's novel


L20-24 children’s novels: 168 pages

ふしぎ駄菓子屋 2 - 20 pages
グースバンプス 2 - 118 pages
人狼サバイバル - 30 pages

L31 Japanese HP: 55 pages (61% → 74%)

I probably won’t post in December, but keep up the reading everyone!!


December 1st - Home post

Grisaia on Switch today too. So glad that I can read VNs even when I’m away from my computer!


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 12月1日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Amount :apple:
JLPT N4 読解 55min




December 1st!

Today I read a chapter of 葬送のフリーレン, and 2 chapters of からかい上手の 元 高木さん.

(Home Post)


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

November 27 → December 1

:dango: Name Progress
:polar_bear: しろくまカフェ3 37% → 42%

Today’s reading was the JLPT readings :saluting_face: I died a little one one question but that’s ok