📚📚 Read Japanese Every Day Challenge - Fall 2024 🍁🌰🍎

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Le whoops, I forgot about this on Sunday. Oh well, back at it today before starting work
ᕙ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

October 7

:dango: Name Progress
:older_woman: 老女的少女ひなたちゃん3 42% → 53%

October 7

Chapter 41 of JoJo Phantom Blood (19 pages)


October 7th - Home post

2000 characters of Kirakira Monstars plus a little of Everlasting Flowers. Two different VNs, but I like to read different things!


I was too exhausted too read on Sunday but managed to read my 4 pages today. I can feel the few months I spent using Bunpro have improved my grammar. I might come back to it … one of these days.

Title: キノの旅
Progress : 70 / 238


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月7日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Horimiya Manga p50 > 80
NHK Easy Articles 1



Home Post

Title Today Progress
:black_joker: カードキャプターさくら 11 pages 26%
:microphone: ささやくように恋を唄う 10 pages 16%

Home post

October 6th :robot:

:books: Book Progress
:cherry_blossom: カードキャプターさくら1 21% → 23%

October 7th :waffle:

:books: Book Progress
:cherry_blossom: カードキャプターさくら1 23% → 26%

:bookmark: Home post // October 7 :maple_leaf: :apple:

本好きの下剋上 26 (85.19% → 86.28%) || 2.3k characters || (181 819 / 211k char.)

Today’s free time went into chatting with fren and planning the travel to meet said fren before going home for Christmas. Hisashiburiiii, tanoshimiiii :eyes: :sparkles: I’ve met her once since we parted ways after graduation earlier this year and that meeting was only 1-2 hours TuT, we busy and live across the country from each other, so I’m looking forward to meeting her again :3

@DIO-Berry May I ask request? Would it be okay if we return the title back to just two book emotes? :smile:


:eyes: Out of curiosity, why?

Also, have fun!!! :blush: In the words of our residential cat @trunklayer… may the cat of… uhm… friendship! Help you have the best time together! I’m not very good at imitating cats.


May the Great Cat of Friendship unyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaite us all! love2


Day 7: Finished the 2nd volume of Shadows House and started volume 3. Originally intended to read the book that I was planning… but then the plot of the manga got too interesting and I couldn’t stop reading that :laughing::face_with_peeking_eye:


8 October | Study Log

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:judge: 逆転裁判1 game ??? :arrow_forward: 2/5 cases
:dango: 甘々と稲妻5 manga 23 :arrow_forward: 40% → 59%
:lion: ダンジョン飯 13巻 manga 30 :pause_button: 22%
  • A bit more witness testimony in 逆転. Had my first frustrating game logic bit where I knew what I wanted to say but had no idea which bit of evidence I needed to present to say it since it rejected what I thought was the obvious evidence to testimony match… but it seems I must have just messed something up because a walkthrough said what I wanted to do was correct in the first place. Thank god, evidence shotgunning is even more frustrating when you’re not 100% on understanding just yet.
  • Another chapter of 甘々, very cute birthday! chapter

:arrow_backward: Prev | :house: Home | Next :arrow_forward:

Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-10-07 :dragon: 骨ドラゴンのマナ娘2 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 7
:page_facing_up: 33 Pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h15m

It got late today, so I wanted something a bit lighter than throwing my head into another novel chapter, but also without desyncing my Frieren watching/listening progress, so I started a new manga today. It’s volume 2 of 骨ドラゴン - I read volume 1 near the end of the Spring challenge and enjoyed it quite a bit, but hadn’t got around to volume 2 until now.


:maple_leaf::mushroom::fallen_leaf: 10月 7日

Book Natively Progress
:mag: 名探偵コナン 1 L26 7% → 13%
:spades: 黒執事 1 L29 0% → 5%

Was a bit too under the weather to read this weekend, unfortunately for my plans :pensive:

I feel I’m starting to get used to the mystery-related vocab in Conan, I had a surprisingly fun time reading the novel-manga today ahaha. I also began Black Butler, another manga I’d planned for a specific bingo category. Once I start Hero Academia, I’ll have all five of my final bingo manga in the works. I feel pretty confident about being able to finish the Bingo Five™ before the end of this reading challenge [1] and I’m excited to start finishing rows!

zoom back up to home thread

  1. knocks on wood ↩︎



:us: SR Akiko’s American Foreign Exchange (3 episodes)
:peanuts: SR Nutshell Grammar (1 episode)
:two: Level 2 free Tadoku Graded Reader*

  • Today’s reader was a pretty straightforward, simple recipe for the 埼玉県 dish, つっみこ

It is supposed to be just two :slight_smile: The third was added by mistake.


Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


:tea:10月07日 | home post

  • Short update today. Played about an hour of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom as my reading and the rest of my day has been working on some grammar stuffs!
  • Hoping tomorrow will be packed with more reading, but the weekdays are so busy… Good luck to everyone!! So sleepy…
:books: Reading Date Progress
:woman_elf: ゼルダの伝説 知恵のかりもの 10月07日 ~1h30m

:joy: Oh, that makes sense. I thought there was like a visual reason / bug / whatever :laughing:.


8th october :jack_o_lantern:

shogi book done! …technically. there was an index at the back that i didn’t read but that did look useful for looking stuff up. also started vol 2 of 3月のライオン and still good! great imagery. i don’t have access to lost judgment for at least another day :((((

emoji book pages read
:beginner: shogi book 145-end
:lion: 3月のライオン vol 2 0-41
:mag: lost judgment x

today’s nhk article was this one (thunderbolts and lightning very very frightning) plus the entries on ないことには and ないまでも in aDoAJG