📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-03-26 :gun: Persona 3 Reload :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 5/5 :hourglass: 1h30m

Some more Persona 3 today as I slowly make my way into May.


:bookmark: Home post // March 26 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

What to read? I still have Kusuriya 12-14, but I’ve had my fill of Kusuriya for now (the anime has ended too after all). I’d love to continue Honzuki (17), but if I start that I’ll have to read all the way to 21 and that’s not for now. There’s Saikawa & Moe (8) book club having just started, but I’m terrible at following BC schedules, I’d rather catch up later instead.

Kekkon 8 got me hooked on romance again and I bought a few 1st volumes last year. One is 拝啓見知らぬ旦那様、離婚していただきます which seems interesting but it’s a five volume series already, something short would be nice right now.

Toiuwakede, kochira wo erabimashita:

・ ワケあり男装令嬢、ライバルから求婚される〈上〉(0 → 6%)

Prediction: Silly romcom fantasy drama? Looks like there are just two volumes and that’s short enough for me.


:cherry_blossom: March 26 :frog:

This week’s Renshuu book club oneshot :shark: is the best. I highly recommend it, especially if you like certain recent shonen hit anime.

I tried to read LaLa but started falling asleep almost immediately lmao

to macalys - Jungle Escape!

so excited for you to catch up to us! :grinning: This intro is great to get used to the style. One of the techniques it uses (for kids) that works really well for us learners (and as a paper read) is having an overview (bold) at the start of the section and parenthetical remarks (to explain something a kid wouldn’t understand). Those both reduce my lookups a lot. And the hardest text they put in the tips/hint format and is not crucial to the story so I read it much more extensively than the rest (the densest horizontal text; take advantage of the vocab sheet!)


get very jealous every time i see someone new playing infinite wealth, it looks so fun but i’ve got like, 5 games left to play in the series before i get there :sob: ah well


Mar 27, Wed of Week 13 of Q1 2024

  • NHKにようこそ (19-26%)

  • DIJG : ところが

  • 逆転裁判 1 Case 4

Words of the day
  • (てき)(まわ)す = to turn someone into an enemy
  • 湖水(こすい) = lake / lake water. Lake is also (みずうみ). The shore is (ほとり) or 湖畔(こはん).
  • 一昔前(ひとむかしまえ) = long time ago
  • 横文字(よこもじ) = horizontal writing / western languages. Say, cool foreign naming.
  • 屹立(きつりつ) = standing tall, like a mountain or skyscraper. Like (そび)える.
  • 等間隔(とうかんかく) = evenly spaced
  • 驚天動地(きょうてんどうち) = world shaking; phenomenal


Home Post

Almost to the end of the month… I can do it!

Tokyo Revengers 28 pages 1-88

Tokyo Revengers 28 pages 89-finish

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 1-12

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 13-35

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 36-52

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 53-65

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 66-96

ニーチェ先生~コンビニに、さとり世代の新人が舞い降りた1 pages 97-finish

01 02 03
04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 :apple: 28 :green_apple: 29 :apple: 30 :green_apple: 31 :apple:

The “finish Sugar Apple Fairy Tale 5 before April starts by reading everyday starting March 27th” challenge! :joy:

27th :apple: started 92/239 & ended 109/239 ~17 pages
28th :green_apple: started 109/239 & ended 133/239 ~24 pages
29th :apple: started 133/239 & ended 143/239. ~10 pages
30th :green_apple: started 143/239 & ended 196/239 ~53 pages
31st :apple: started 196 & ended 239 ~43 pages

:confetti_ball: I did it!! :confetti_ball:



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-03-27 :supervillain: セーラー服と機関銃 :closed_book: Novel :arrow_forward: 1 chapter
:computer: 21.5 → 25%
:page_facing_up: 15 pages
:hourglass: 40m

Caught up with this week’s IBC there, now finished the first subsection of the book after this week’s chapter.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年3月26+27日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Secret 4 episodes 44/98
:desert_island: ISLAND 5k 385.000 char 38 new words
:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス 2 chapters 8/175

Saw shuriken written in Japanese (and in kanji) for the first time today. 手裏剣. Makes sense!


:bookmark: Home post // March 27 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・ ワケあり男装令嬢、ライバルから求婚される〈上〉(6 → 15%)

Lots of world building, but a fun read so far.


28 March | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:bacon: 焼いてる二人2 manga 25 45% → 100% (completed) :white_check_mark:
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 71% (no change)
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 45% (no change)
:rock: ダンジョン飯5 manga 29 30% (no change)
  • Finished my casual read of 焼いてる二人2. Very chill, though I probably need to write down some vocab here and there - it’s all very daily use stuff, which is why it’s even more annoying i don’t remember some of it on-sight

It’s funny when you see the kanji for words that have been adopted into english, like 津波、柔道 or 空手


You got this!


:cherry_blossom: March 27 :frog:

:cat: Book Pages
:horse: ララの結婚 5 147 - 159

I needed to get up early so I cut my LaLa :horse: reading


Mar 28, Thu of Week 13 of Q1 2024

  • NHKにようこそ (26-29%)

  • 紡ぐ乙女と大正の月 Vol.4 (0-23%)

  • DIJG : とも, と.なる

  • 逆転裁判 1 Case 4

Words of the day
  • 魚拓(ぎょたく) = fish impression :fish:. The impression print is 拓本(たくほん).
  • アル(ちゅう) = アルコール中毒(ちゅうどく) :beers: :wine_glass: :japanese_ogre:
  • 国入(くにい)り = visiting one’s hometown; visiting one’s fief


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home post and thread

3月27日水曜日 と 3月28日木曜日

:parrot: ジャングルから脱出せよ - Jungle Escape, 3 pages.

:hibiscus: 薬屋のひとりごと volume 11, 7 pages.
When I began to read The Apothecary Diaries in japanese, it was really difficult to read more than 2 or 3 pages consecutively, but now I can read 6 or 7 pages in a row before getting tired. I have less look ups too.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年3月28日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Secret 2 episodes 46/98
:desert_island: ISLAND 5k 390.000 char ? new words
:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス 1 chapter 9/175

Enjoying everything I’m reading right now which feels awesome, wish I had more energy and more free time to read more but oh well. It is what it is and I’ll take it!


:bookmark: Home post // March 28 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・ ワケあり男装令嬢、ライバルから求婚される〈上〉(15 → 42%)

Today was a reaaaally lazy morning, got to read a lot. Kimochi yokatta. There was a phrase I thought was very funny:

高貴なる存在の務めノブレスオブリージュ = Noblesse oblige. (Such a long phrase first of all.) It’s funny because I’ve gotten hooked on a certain song lately called ノンブレス・オブリージュ, especially the cover by Minase. (The song title is a pun.) It was just yesterday when I learned what that expression meant (there’s a wikipedia page on it), so I was very amused when it showed up while reading today.


:cherry_blossom: March 28 :frog:

:cat: Book Pages
:horse: ララの結婚 5 160 - 192 (end)

I finally finished off this volume of LaLa :horse:. I’ll get the next one when I see it for a good price from BOOKOFF. Which might not be a while if the popularity of other ongoing series I read is any indication.

I’m thinking of reading vol 4 of Super :smoking: or more JoJo :horse_racing: next. I’ll have a lot of concurrent book clubs, so I probably shouldn’t overburden myself.


22/3 17 pages セーラー服と機関銃 (finished week 5 and started next), 10 pages シャドーハウス (finished volume 16), aDoIG special topics: conversational strategies, かと言うと and 代わりに

23/3 10 pages ホリミヤ

24/3 3 pages セーラー服と機関銃

25/3 7 pages ホリミヤ (finished page 12), aDoIG 結構

26/3 4 pages Spy Family, aDoIG この

27/3 7 pages Spy Family, aDoIG こうした

28/3 8 pages 舞妓さんちのまかないさん (read week 4)

Well, I did well on the last day travelling back from my trip, despite the 4am start. But since then - not so good. Monday should have been a good day as I was off but I was exhausted. I’ve worked every other day since I got back, but at least I’ve read a little each evening.

I’m working this evening (but am going to read now) then off over the weekend, so hopefully I can catch up with my books, which I’ve barely touched this week. Manga are all up to date pretty much.