📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

to soggy

based on where you work … is that surprising :joy: jk, glad you’ve got some extra time since you’ve got the longer commute for a while!

btw I liked the grammar point you found that you posted on the Genki thread, I’ll keep an eye out for some, too!


Reply to mitrac

(library, for context of other people reading this convo) Honestly, I’ve had supervisors on a power trip tell us in all seriousness that we shouldn’t read paper books in the back because we should FIND WORK TO DO :triumph: and it makes us look IDLE :triumph: …but my job position is such that we literally run out of work constantly. But at this branch the staff is chill and just talks all day so it’s nbd.

Same, haha. Although it’s made me not want to read Japanese at bedtime, since I’ve already been reading it all day.

I love coming across stuff in reading, such a nice ah-ha moment! Especially when it’s a trickier grammar point, I’m like whoa, I get it now, I’m a genius.


2nd feb

home post

another ouran chapter, from skimming the volume it looks like this arc will cover the rest of the volume so we’ll see how this goes. some homophobia in this one tho, as a warning more than usual, i mean. new manga time and the randomiser gave me (けもの)奏者(そうじゃ) which is adapted from a novel series. chapter one okay so far, some fantasy language/made up words making things a bit more difficult but nothing awful yet. plus some more pages in the bakumatsu book (i’m averaging about ten at a time)

today’s nhk article was this one, only half a granblue chapter cos it was incredibly long, plus the entry on お~ください in aDoIJG

words that stood out

けばい - gaudy, garish, loud (clothing, etc.)
芋洗(いもあら)い - being very crowded (with people), washing potatoes

勘繰(かんぐ)り - suspicion, distrust


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 2 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

山の別荘の少年 :mountain: :hut:
Progress: page 49/49

第四章山の小僧 :cloud_with_snow:

Last chapter takes place in winter during heavy snow with nothing to do, so they tell stories about the constellations and planets, the mountain animals, and magical creatures.

And that’s the whole story complete!

Words Found in the Constellations

牽牛星「けんぎゅうせい」ー Altair star (in the Aquila constellation)
織女星「しょくじょせい」ー Vega star (in the Lyra constellation)
彗星「すいせい」ー Comet
頬白「ほおじろ」ー Meadow bunting
肱掛椅子「ひじかけいす」ー Armchair


:green_heart: January 31 :bamboo:

:cat: Book Pages
:snowman_with_snow: 季節を愉しむ366日 L30?? Feb and Feb 1
:vampire: https://learnnatively.com/book/686d145608/ 9 pages (about half of 14)

:japanese_ogre: February 1 :beans:

:japanese_ogre: February 2 :beans:

Also happy setsubun! Apparently it used to just mean the last day of the season, so there used to be 4 setsubun. Also, kansai is where the long maki roll eating tradition started apparently.

I’m hoping to read my colors book tomorrow but idk if I’ll have time and it’s too heavy to carry with me on my adventure to meet an online friend. We’re building furniture


Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I read 25 level N5 articles from Watanoc and 11 chapters of another story about a cat on Yomuyomu.


Feb 2, Fri of Week 5 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 start Ch.5 [144-147/258]

  • STEINS;GATE (VN) Ch.9 end

Trying to get to another Ch.10.

Words of the day
  • 奢侈(しゃし) = extravagance. First Kanji is in (おご)る (= to make a treat; to be extravagant / a little different from (おご)る though). First time seeing the second Kanji, but shares the same meaning.
  • 白馬(はくば)王子様(おうじさま) = prince on the white horse :carousel_horse: :crown:. First thing on my mind when talking about 王子(おうじ).
  • ()わりが(わる)い = unable to sit still; unable to calm down
  • ()(まぎ)れる = to be distracted by unpleasant feeling / tension
  • (まった)くもって = entirely; completely. Very version of (まった)く.
  • 駆動(くどう) = driving into spinning, e.g. motor, HDD
  • マトリョーシカ(.) = Matryoshka doll - Wikipedia (Russian dolls)

Book highlights

重商主義(じゅうしょうしゅぎ) = Mercantilism - Wikipedia, an economic policy designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports
フェリペ2世 = Philip II of Spain - Wikipedia
無敵艦隊 = Spanish Armada - Wikipedia (アルマダ)
ユトレヒト同盟 = Union of Utrecht - Wikipedia
オラニエ公ウィレム = William the Silent - Wikipedia (William of Orange / オランジ公ウィレム)
ハプスブルク家 = House of Habsburg - Wikipedia


Home Thread // February 2nd, 2024

I managed to read the NHK Easy article I wanted to read today. I managed to pick a rather hard one lol, but I think I was able to get the main point of it. It was about the volunteering activities in the Ishikawa prefecture and the Earthquake.

I’m kinda amazed by how many kanji I am able to recognize, despite only knowing like 300, and I also realized that I am able to recognize quite a few words! :smile:


2月2日 | Home post

  • 夜カフェ 1 (0% → 4.06%)
  • アオハライド (1) pp. 1-62

Today I felt like reading some manga, so I started アオハライド. I was pleased to notice some improvements in my reading speed, and I was able to finish around 1/3 of the first volume in one sitting. I also started 夜カフェ 1, because I wanted something to read on the train or in other places where I only have my phone.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:heart_eyes: ホリミヤ vol. 1, 7 pages, I caught up with the 6th week of the previous ABBC reading :muscle:


Feb 2

Home post

Played どうぶつの森 again:

Julia why :sob:

Here’s my understanding: “Me and KK Slider took some bamboo, but he leaned against the bamboo we took.” Idk, the lack of particles makes it hard to tell what each word is doing in the sentence…

Also read two more pages of また同じ夢を見ていた.


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 2 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (25% → 29%)

筆舌に尽くし難い = beyond description


立てかける is a transitive verb, so it has to be “somebody leaned some object up against something”, not “somebody leaned on some object”.

(There seems to be a common tongue twister along these lines: 「この竹垣に竹立てかけたのは竹立てかけたかったから竹立てかけた」.)


Feb 2

Started reading Welcome to Hotel Mes4vhfjkbt5vhufh (I can never remember the Finnish name of the hotel :joy:) volume 4 (this is a JP manga, I swear xD). This series was one of my first extensive reading experiences where I felt I understood so much without a single look up. I’m sad knowing the fifth and last volume comes out later this year, but I suspect I will reread this one regularly around the holidays since that is when it is set. Gorgeous art in this one and I still haven’t gotten over how nice the texture of the cover is. Some kind of more expensive material used.

Edit: I should be less lazy so here is the proper title: ホテル・メッツァペウラへようこそ

Thanks for the info, @Ditto20. :slight_smile: I’ll add that to my want to read list so if I like yagakimi thrn I have more good stuff with those characters.



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-02-02 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子4 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 27-28
:page_facing_up: 49 pages
:hourglass: 15m

Another busy day today, so read a couple more chapters of 放浪息子4, tomorrow my plans got cancelled so will probably try read some more 本好きの下剋上 then.


Home post

Played どうぶつの森 again for about an hour and got to practice a lot. A friend invited me to their island and gave me a grand tour. It was insane! (⊙_⊙) My island is like pre-industrial levels compared to hers… I had a good time at the museum though reading all the signs and practicing my katakana - 私の弱点! (⇀‸↼‶)

Some screenshots at the museum


Staring at the second one, ヨナグニサン. It’s from the only missing Grade 6 Kanji I thought I don’t need to know – (かいこ) / 養蚕(ようさん).

Well, it may be on the same level as 機織(はたお)り.


Home post

Feb 2

  • スキップ・ビート! chapter 61, which starts volume 11. This chapter had some repetitive stuff which luckily felt more like welcome reminders of what was happening rather than feeling annoying, because it’s been a little while since I read the last volume. :slight_smile:

Ohhh the covers look so pretty! And the premise sounds interesting too!


:red_gift_envelope::cityscape: 2月 1日、2日 :cityscape::full_moon:

Book Natively Progress Type Notes
:dolphin: マグメル新海(しんかい)水族館(すいぞくかん) Lv 24 14% → 15% Manga
:shaved_ice: 星のカービィ カービィカフェ Lv 21 0% → 4% Novel

Combo post for yesterday and today (´・ᴗ・ ` )

I started my first actual novel (a Kirby book!) and despite how little I know about the Kirby-verse the reading is going quite well. The blocks of text are still daunting but not impossible at this level. Since novels take far longer to complete than manga volumes, I made a mini-bingo to track novels separately from the manga I read, just so it’ll take fewer items to reach an accomplishment :sweat_smile:

See you next time!

zoom back up to home thread


3 Feb | Home

Title Progress
トナリはなにを食う人ぞ ほろよい | L27 0 → 119/167 (70%)
ダンジョン飯2 104/195 (53%) - no change
不思議駄菓子屋1 13% - no change
また、同じ夢を見ていた 4% - no change
  • As next week’s book club readings haven’t started yet and I’m up to date on Danmeshi (with the anime), figured I’d just blast through a volume of ほろよい. Will have to re-read with lookups again after this pass, but I feel like I’m getting the gist of things more and more even for stuff I haven’t read/experienced yet, which is nice.
  • I’ll probably finish my initial readthrough tonight.