📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:umbrella: :notebook: 1月 19日 :memo: :umbrella:

Book Natively Progress Notes
:eight_pointed_black_star: NARUTO ナルト Vol. 2 Lv 25 23% → 29%

I may not have read very much today but I did spend a significant amount of time figuring out how to get Mokuro and ttsu working for the ultimate reading setup :sweat_smile: I’ve seen some of you guys mention these in passing, but, being a very lazy person, I ignored it and assumed it was something too difficult for me ahaha. Until now I’ve just been doing manual lookups of unknown words while reading pfft it’s so much easier to just hover with yomichan and continue reading :sob:

Anyway before I got Mokuro set up n all, this panel took me a stupidly long time to figure out what it was saying?? This font throws me for a loop every time it’s used

I’ve seen and used サンキュー lots of times but I was not expecting ノーサンキュー ???

See you tomorrow (hopefully) ^–^

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Jan 20th

Ended up finishing the first volume of Food Wars yesterday, all except a 4 page extra little story that I didn’t think was related to Food Wars, but when I read it this morning it turned out it was.

So I read one volume in one day, because I read it extensively. I didn’t look up even one thing. My understand was… well… terribly for a lot of it. :joy: Like when Erina is talking, when teachers were talking, when they were talking about cooking methods and why they did X and how it worked.

I still want to get the full manga. Partially because that is something I can own (I buy manga physically because I like looking at art in physical form, normal novels and such I’m happy to do ebook). I actually looked into rewatching the anime for Food Wars. But there is no legal way I can stream the first season, only season 3-5. I’m not even sure I can get access to it with VPN, not if I want English subtitles… (and I’m not talking about streaming for free either, but like buying a subscription to a streaming service that have it…)

So I looked into buying it on DVD or Blu-ray, but it is old enough that those are not really available, once again especially the first season doesn’t seem to be possible to purchase (unless I start looking into ebay or similar second hand places, there it might be possible), but then I run into region bs instead.

Yeah, streaming is so great, especially when you live in a smaller country for which streaming services have less incentive to license for, and when licenses tend to be temporary so you never know if you can watch the thing you want to watch when you want to. Can you tell I’m not a fan of streaming? :nerd_face: (I’m a serial re-reader and re-watcher, streaming often suck for that.)



Continuing with となりの猫と恋知らず 8. Once this eventually gets turned into a 単行本たんこうぼん it could be a good BBC pick apart from not having furigana.

1月17日から1月20日まで - 薬屋くすりやのひとりごと

We have the official answer, 兎原うさぎはらももか:


OMG!!! Harry Potter 1, chapter 2 just completed in 4 back-to-back sessions of about 2 and a half hours!!!

This was the book that fostered my love for reading years ago in high school so it makes sense that this may be the first completed Japanese novel (still a long way to go but I’m so proud of myself I can cry).


:green_heart: January 16-19 :bamboo:

:cat: Book Pages
:snowman_with_snow: 季節を愉しむ366日 L30?? Jan 17-20

:green_heart: January 20 :bamboo:

Conbini kun and Salary man… Throw the whole conbini kun away, this man is trash… Still probably gonna finish the story though


15/1 8 pages シャドーハウス

16/1 10 pages シャドーハウス (finished week 5), 2 pages Spy Family

17/1 7 pages Spy Family

18/1 5 pages Spy Family, 5 pages 本好きの下剋上 manga

19/1 5 pages Spy Family, 2 pages 本好きの下剋上 manga

I thought I’d read quite well on my flight from Tokyo to Hong Kong (18th) but drank too much sake in the lounge and slept for a lot of the flight…

I fly back to Australia on a daytime flight tomorrow so expect to get a lot more reading done. Plan is to catch up with all the book clubs.


:dragon: :red_gift_envelope: 1日20月 :red_gift_envelope: :dragon: (Home Post Link)

simple update today, chipping away more


  • コンビニ人間 10 → 18 - biggest bite so far. Definitely still understanding quite a bit more than my last attempt. Some sections still occasionally a bit hazy, but way faster to read.

20th jan

home post

just the ending of the granblue bnha collab (it was so long but hey, plenty of practice), some stuff on pixiv, and some bits and pieces elsewhere.


Wow, nice! :mage: I bet you’ll see your reading speed increase a lot by the end of the book.


Jan 20, Sat of Week 3 of Q1 2024

  • JoJo Part 1, 2 chapters
  • DEATH NOTE Vol.11 Ch.96

  • 薬屋のひとりこと Vol.1 (22-28%)

  • STEINS;GATE (VN) end Ch.7

Words of the day
  • 心証しんしょう = impression. 心証しんしょうがいする = to give a bad impression
  • あらざらい = wholly; the whole thing
  • なきにしもあらず = possibly some; not entirely nonexistent = き.に.しも.あらず
  • 大店おおだな = large store. Large shelf (たな), but indeed another 訓読くんよみ / meaning for 店.
  • 手婆てばばあ = procuress; madame, providing 遊女ゆうじょ
  • 精悍せいかん = virile; manly. The second Kanji is tough.
  • 鉄面皮てつめんぴ = shameless. Thick iron face skin :hammer_and_pick:
  • 餌付えづけ = accustoming a wild animal via feed
  • 重宝ちょうほう = convenient
  • あかぎれ. = cracks in the skin from dry weather = あかぎれ (皸). Perhaps, the red breakage.
  • 干魃かんばつ = drought; a long spell of dry weather. Also written 旱魃かんばつ.
  • 調書ちょうしょ = written protocol
  • 背表紙せびょうし = spine of a book
  • す = to be pleased. 尊敬語そんけいご of る.
  • 鼠算ねずみざん = multiplying like rats. (Sometimes human population, though.)
  • 気心きごころれた = familiar; close; not a stranger. Knowing of their disposition.
  • 同化どうか = adaptation; assimilation
  • はなしはやい = understanding quickly; reaching the conclusion quickly
  • 三半規管さんはんきかん = (the three) semicircular canals. 器官きかん, but with 規制きせい and 半円形はんえんけいくだ.



1月18-20日 | Home post

  • 作家になりたい! (1) (11.56% → 18.81%)
  • この美術部には問題がある!(1) Chapter 6
  • Satori Reader: The Jam Maker Episode 1/60

I got home late on thursday and worked a 12h shift yesterday, so I ended up not posting here. I only read a few pages of 作家になりたい! each day. Today was better, and I finished the first chapter of 作家になりたい! and also finished この美術部には問題がある! with the BBC. Even though I enjoyed reading with everyone, I think I prefer reading a single book at a time without artificial pacing. Since the next BBC pick does not appeal to me, I’m going to skip that one. I looked at the IBC pick but it still seems too hard, I guess I’m in a pre-intermediate book club limbo…

Edit: I also read a single Satori Reader episode at night since I was considering my options for reading on a phone.


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年1月20日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: 奥日光 2 episodes 45/62

You could read one of the previous IBC at your own pace and try the next next IBC! Can recommend the current IBC read as a first novel, it has quite short chapters and is very dynamic (a lot of action and not a lot of descriptions). Also if you can get an epub file of the book, then you can read in a browser and use Yomichan or similar, that’s a big big help for reading something that could be otherwise out of your reach.

Damn you are fast, I’m wondering if you’ll finish the story before I do :stuck_out_tongue:


yesterday I read another chapter ofチユちん and today 2 episodes of Akiko


Thank you for your suggestions, あなたも殺人犯になれる! is already on my wishlist :grin:

I’m already a user of either ッツ or Mokuro alongside Yomitan, and at my current level I wouldn’t want to read without these crutches. I’ve been experimenting with the setup here for the last few days, and for now I’m really liking it. Also, since I have an old Kindle Paperwhite, I’m still able to convert Kindle books to epub :crossed_fingers:


It was the part where the grandma went missing, so I was super intrigued and wanted to know what happens next. As the excitement dies down I’ll most likely slow down again.


Jan 21 | Home

  • Still in cooldown phase so quickly blasted through 桜井さんは気づいてほしい 4 | L15 to finish out the series. It’s not my favourite romcom for sure but it is by far the easiest and being able to knock out a volume in 25 minutes is extremely cool.

:bookmark: Home post // Jan 20 :bamboo: :snowman_with_snow: :evergreen_tree:

・サイレント・ウイッチ V (32% → 39%)

Read a bit in the morning. Also made good progress of tgcf vol. 4 (eng).



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-01-20 :open_book: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: 1 chapter
:page_facing_up: 12 pages
2024-01-20 :wind_face: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん 1 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: 2 chapters
:page_facing_up: 33 pages
2024-01-20 :art: この美術部には問題がある 1 :green_book: Manga :white_check_mark: 1 chapter
:page_facing_up: 28 pages

Read some more of the 本好きの下剋上第一部1 junior novel, so got another chapter in. Still slow going, though technically slightly faster than yesterday. I’m probably not going to do this every day and burn myself out on it like I did before Christmas, so will probably read a bit more tomorrow as it’s still the weekend then give it a back for a few days with something easier before coming back to it.

Also caught up on the two book clubs I’m in, finishing out the BBC with この美術部には問題がある! and being back up to date on 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん。Apparently I’d missed a week somewhere else on the second one.


My brain is hurting a lot but I’m sort of browsing through some later chapters of dungeon meshi and… Half recalling, half reading it… Very weird.


Home post

Jan 20

  • シャドーハウス chapter 147
  • はなものがたり chapter 8