📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:bookmark: Home post // Jan 23 :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:

・ 封印再度 (54% → 58%)

Got in more pages in the morning than I thought. Today was busy. …I’ll probably say that every day the next few weeks, heh.


January 23rd (Day 23) :snowflake: :cat2:

Home post :books:

Another chapter of チュベローズで待ってる AGE32 down! I really hope I’ll feel better in the upcoming days so that I can get more reading done (and finish the book soon). Also hoping to get back to Kafka on the Shore this week :3

Oh, and I found myself a reading buddy! She was patiently waiting for me to turn on her bird videos :sweat_smile:


:cup_with_straw: Home :it:

January 23rd

67 - 89

Finally back to reading the main JoJo storyline. This bit was less gory than I remembered which was nice because I went to bed straight after. Hopefully now I’ll break my habit of avoiding it. I don’t recall much later stuff being the same level or length of time of gore.

Also, anyone want to play spot the difference?


January 23rd!

Today I read the next chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san.
It was a cute one (as always!).
I was planning to read Mitsuboshi Colors today too, but instead I procrastinated for a few hours and now I need to go to bed :sweat_smile:

(Home Post)



So I read this chapter. I realized while there are no ‘official’ chapters, so far there are named breaks (people names) so it does separate somewhat naturally.
I read it along with the audiobook, no look ups or pauses. It does seem to be easier now - some sections felt about on par with 半落ち and others felt even easier than that. I suspect it will probably bop up to the previous tangled sentences from time to time but it doesn’t seem sustained thankfully.

I probably won’t continue reading it with an audiobook as I’m missing too much nuance trying to keep up, but I suspect I won’t stop reading the book overall. Might reread the first 3 chapters without the audio though, undecided.


I am beginning to resent my Kindle for reading because I feel so slow (even not doing word look ups). The bus driver also kept yawning on the bus intercom which was hella distracting but thats no excuse! xD

Regardless I did finish the subchapter. Hopefully I can get that second subchapter in sometime today.



I wonder if this is the same sabi in Sabikui Bisco? :thinking:

Nowadays when I find myself reading that late into the night, I just don’t sleep. Then I go to bed early the next few days and sleep soundly. But for me, it’s better to try that sort of thing later in the year when the sun rises earlier. I feel more invigorated when the sun is up regardless of how much sleep I get the night before. So having sunrise at my usual wake-up time (6 am on weekdays) is better for my late-night reading. :grin:


:snowflake: :red_gift_envelope: 1月23日 :red_gift_envelope: :snowflake: (Home Post Link)

I did end up reading a lot today, just not in japanese :sweat_smile: blitzed through a non-fiction book in english that someone lent me, and was mostly unimpressed, so didn’t really feel I needed to spend too much time with it outside of getting generally familiar with the arguments/ideas.


  • ホリミヤ ch 91
  • 夜カフェ pg 17 → 23
Good Words

貝殻「かいがら」ー seashell
姿「すがた」ー figure, shape
缶「かん」ー can, tin

片っ端から「かたっばしから」ー absolutely every little bit, everything from a to z
平均「へいきん」ー average, mean
志望校「しぼうこう」ー school of one’s choice


Still pretty new to wanikani but saw this topic in the community when I was doing my reviews and thought it sounded like a great idea.

Hopefully home posts this late are okay??

I’m still very very much a beginner so I’m aiming to read a couple of pages of the manga Mr マロウブルー each day

24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28

Mr.マロウブルー vol. 3 - finished 2 February
Mr.マロウブルー chapter 21-25 - finished 7 February


Summary post

Day 23: January 23th
What did I read?: マグメル深海水族館 Vol 1
How much did I read?: 19 pages
How long did it take me?: 20 min

Trying to get at least slightly back into things :sweat_smile: I did read on the 18th, but without posting and it was just another tiny read anyway - I didn’t read over the weekend at all because I was busy with work and then traveling for a concert :eyes: I was kind of stressed about the whole thing initially, which is why I didn’t read before the concert, and then I was so exhausted the day after I was just like…nope. The concert was amazing though, I had second row seats to see my favorite people in the whole entire world soooo I love them so much :heart: this is the reading thread so I will shut it about them for now but the k-pop thread may get some pics later :eyes:

Anyway, I did not read for the past few days and I have no regrets about that :joy: But now it is time to get started again. Today’s chapter opened with a scene that seems to have little to nothing to do with the rest of the chapter (at last from what I’ve read so far), so I’ll be interested to see how it becomes connected :eyes:


tiny shark :smile:

The seal looks like a small fluffy potato
…What if tanuki potato

I am tired and not fully normal right now, my brain is in the corner making up combinations of tanuki and potato
So many choices

Oh no, that’s so cute :sob: Her little sweater shirt :pleading_face:


Yes, it is.


January 23 :snowflake: Home Post

Been battling a bit of a cold so not the most reading today, but I did still play some Genshin Impact so yay! It’s a good time, nice change of pace, but I am starting to miss my books and such :') perhaps tomorrow I’ll have more energy, here’s hoping!


Read my second sub chapter on the way home. Seems to take about an hour to get through when I’m on my Kindle but it was so cold and snowy I didn’t want to take my gloves off. しょうがないじゃん。


:spiral_calendar: Day 23: January 23rd :gloves:

spacer:girl: からかい上手の(元)高木さん Volume 10 (87% ➨ 100%)
spacer:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス Volume 4 (80% ➨ 100%)

This week’s goal: finish up three more volumes.


Of course :blush: Welcome and happy to have you here!

If you’re interested in reading with others, please make sure to check out the Absolute Beginners Book Club // Now reading: Horimiya // Reading Next: Miss Shikimori is not just cute! ! They’re starting a new manga on Feb 18th, maybe you’re interested?

In any case, Happy Reading!


I definitely am! I’ll check it out, thank you!


I’m looking at the reviews again, trying to understand what kind of feeling I’d get from this book. Since it’s supposed to explore the topic of diversity beyond the expected categories, I wonder whether it will feel heavy or depressing. I’m sure there must be some basic plot connecting various people’s perspectives, but is it readable on the surface with themes running deeper, or does it feel like heavy drama from the start? I’m still unsure on whether it’d be something I’d like. I know you are still fairly early in your reading, but what are your impressions so far?


January 24th

:snowman: Home post :snowflake:

Card Captor Sakura volume 8 – progress report
Yesterday: Continued up to page 53, finished chapter 31.
Today: Read up to page 130, finished chapter 32.

After the Ghostbusters-like chapter involving the giant marshmallow man teddy bear, things are certainly getting worse for Yukito as he can barely stay awake and energised due to Sakura’s power not being enough to supply his existence. Poor guy.
Meanwhile Sakura has a fever next chapter but still goes out to investigate Clow’s presence in her delirious state. Before that, she leaves a mirror copy of herself in her room to keep Toya occupied (who is totally not going to notice anything off). Sakura, your plans have sometimes already been not so effective but this one has to take the cake in terms of anything but foolproof so far - you’re in no state to go investigating!

Word or expression of the day:
伝染 - (でんせん) - contagion, infection

Honourable mention(s):
発信音 - (はっしんおん) - tone, beep
Apparently also used for the ‘leave a message after the beep tone’ recording on cellphones


home post

24th jan

chapter 3 of 蟲師 vol 3 down! did i say three yesterday, i meant two and somehow really struggled with this one? idk if it’s cos there was a lot of philosophical subtext as well as the plot of the chapter to keep up with, or relative density of the text, but it was a struggle. also several kanji i didn’t know, which makes lookups take that little bit longer. interesting one though, i’ll be thinking about it for a while.

words that stuck out: 祭主 (さいしゅ, head priest), かねん (functions like かな or かもしれない), 横たわる (よこたわる, to lie down, to lie ahead (of danger etc.)

the teeth i was worried about were minimal, thank god, no horror today


So far (9% in) there’s no obvious plot. We’ve been introduced to a news report with first person accounts of a (content, not spoiler) child abuse ring being broken up, a man who seems to be reconciling his traditional outlook (rather traditional masculine Japanese) with having a son who is hikikomori, and a woman who works in a mattress store. The mattress store woman’s dynamic with her loud, brash, coworker is put in the spotlight. There is a focus on dissatisfaction, and maybe women’s expectations of themselves? Getting married and having children, not working baitos forever. But I’d really need to reread it to feel confident that was the full message.

I’m being pulled along because even though it’s hard it’s kind of intriguing trying to find a common thread. It also somewhat gives me short story vibes (although it’s not) due to the constantly shifting perspectives and concerns. I think 群像劇 is the term in Japanese.

I don’t think it’d be a binge read or I-can’t-put-this-down read, but it’s interesting and I want to know more. That said it’s also a long book (it’s 398 on my ipad which means well over 400 for bunko) so you’ll probably want to weigh that into whatever decision you make.