📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

:snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: January 1 :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:
Home Post

NHK (new method for extracting gold) :newspaper_roll:
BU$TAFELLOWS :moneybag:
Novel in English :books:

Well, they say to do January 1 as you mean to go on for the rest of the year, eh? Only I couldn’t possibly fit everything in, but somehow I absolutely smashed some reading today.

I forgot to mention on my home post that I hoped to try reading some more regular news. I’ve gotten to a stage where NHK easy is…easy I guess. xD So I want to occasionally dip my toes in and read the regular news. It does mean it takes me longer than just a couple of minutes, if nothing else because the articles are longer, but it wasn’t hard (safarikai for the win (safari/mac version of yomichan)).

I also ended up reading in English, I’m reading an old mystery/heist/caper that is pretty exciting.

And to finish off the day, I read a couple of more scenes of Bustafellows and got my first memorabilia which is why the home screen now shows I’ve read 1%. So percentage is completely tied to memorabilia and not at all to how much have been read. xD

Lastly, the spelling of percentage is one I will never remember and which is why I usually just do % instead, but sometimes I forget just how far off my thoughts on the spelling is and I try typing it. At least all spellcheckers always knows which word I’m trying to write, which means I’m not the only one who finds the spelling weird. :stuck_out_tongue: