📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2023 ☃❄

January 10 :snowflake: Home Post

In classic fashion, finishing my previous project threw me for an absolute loop as to what to read next :joy: So I did a little bit of everything today. I started ノッキンオン・ロックドドア in keeping with my recent mystery theme, and I’m sure it’s doable but I always forget how rough starting a new book is :sweat_smile: so I didn’t get very far before I decided to play 13 Sentinels instead, where I was of course immediately dropped in the middle of an unprecedented amount of sci-fi mech jargon :joy: As such I only played that one scene before I was mentally over it, and then I finally went back to the バディミッションBOND drama cd I’ve been working on! It’s been a while lmao; I got through one more track with my whole listen-only-first then follow along with the scenario method and it was a good time as always.

Then I finally got somewhere and decided to fill my currently empty manga slot with some 地縛少年花子くん! I watched the anime/read some of the manga in English ages ago and I remember really liking it, so I thought it’d be a fun read and it definitely is. I love a manga with good art and it definitely delivers, it has great aesthetics and even the panel layouts are cool :laughing: So yeah I read most of the first volume today, who knows what I’ll end up doing tomorrow but I certainly have options :eyes:


Haha thank you!! :blush:

Thank you! I really don’t know where it came from lmao, it absolutely wrecked my brain but I had to know :laughing:

Same, it’s especially rough when it’s a standalone story, but thankfully 山猫 has plenty more to offer so I can placate myself with that knowledge :joy: It’s a matter of time! Not a book exactly but I suspect BU$TAFELLOWS will feel that way when we eventually get that far :sweat_smile:

Thank you!! I have no idea how I pulled it off haha, at what cost :joy: feels powerful though!