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Tanuki Scroll II: 初夢 (Hukumusume) & 初夢 (ウィキペディア)
Today is 初夢! : はつゆめ - first dream of the year. Supposedly, whatever you dream of on the first night of the year** foretells how your year will be. Annoyingly, I hardly slept last night so didn’t really dream of anything… damn, that means my year is going to be a blank void of no-sleep
**Seems a little confusing on the exact date, since the night of December 31st would often be seen without sleeping so the night of January the 1st would be your first dream of the year… butttt, there’s complications with the Gregorian calendar and the traditional Japanese calendar.
But I think generally nowadays January 2nd is the day of reflection on your dream of the night before, but also on the night of the 2nd because… to make it further complicated there’s: New Year’s eve to the morning dream, the January 1st-2nd dream and the dream of January 2nd-3rd… which can all be considered as the “first dream of the year” so I may not be doomed to a year worth of sleepless nights if I have them good dreams tonight. Well, better have a stack of cheese before bedtime.
Anyway, the magical things to dream about that are supposed to bring you the best luck are: Mt. Fuji, a hawk and… eggplant (???).
There’s supposed to be a larger list but they aren’t as well know or fully agreed upon, but these are the certified top three best things to dream about… for reasons not fully known but many put it down to that they were our good friend Tokugawa Ieyasu’s / 徳川 家康 favourite things.
So if you dreamt (or will dream tonight) about Fuji, a hawk or eggplant (or all three combined into some form of Fujihawkplant monstrosity) then good news, you’ll have a great year!
(I told myself that I didn’t have time to read much today so I would keep it short… but I have not, I have fallen down that infinite rabbit-hole of Japanese history.)
☆ Learnings ☆
I’m sorry, I got too interested in learning all about this that I forgot to make note of what words are new and what readings/meanings I forgot and needed to lookup again. I suppose that’s a good sign?
I know that 初夢 is a new word. So erm… happy 初夢!