February 2
Home Post
Well. I played 999 for like… five hours I think?
In two sittings but still, that’s pretty wild. I met more characters today!! So that’s always fun; I still haven’t learned any of their names, but they all have great descriptions like 獅子翁 so that’s a good time. I’m intrigued by all of them, but sometimes you see a character and you’re just like “…yeah. I’m probably gonna like you” lmao
Absolutely perplexed by everything happening in his outfit
he’s obviously the Aggro one so I’m sold, obviously. But really all of the characters are super interesting, I’m very curious 
This was pretty funny too:
つもりだった… rip
It’s still going really smoothly! I’m honestly so shocked by how manageable it’s been, I never would’ve imagined… I’m sure I’m way slower than if I were playing in English, but I feel like I’m making really decent progress. I was a little worried that it would get harder once more characters showed up, but not so far! I’m through the main intro part I think and I’m still having tons of fun with it, so that feels great 
Anyway, I’m off to frantically search for the voice cast because every single one of them sounds so familiar, I swear
立ち居振る舞い - movements, demeanor
有無を言わさず - forcibly, without letting someone offer their side of the story
観音開き - double doors opening from the center
コの字 - U-shaped
食らわす - to make someone eat, to deal (a blow)
石化 - petrification, fossilization
不気味 - weird, ominous, eerie
健闘を祈る - to wish someone good luck
愉快犯 - crime committed for fun
Man there were so many good words, I couldn’t stop myself 
Yes yes omg, I know exactly what you mean!! It’s so vague and just like… vibe-based?
It’s like it doesn’t mean anything concrete, it’s just how it feels in the situation, idk. That’s by far the hardest thing in conversational Japanese imo.