For fruits basket there is a former bookclub, maybe someone had the same question You could always ask there. For any other questions, if they are short you can just put it here in with “hide details”
I’ve been using that thread but I seem to have more questions than the participants did. Wasn’t sure if it was ok to dredge up old threads since the club finished last year either but I suppose it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission
There sure are!
Thanks! You’re a Saint. I encounter at least one sentence per page that I can’t quite untangle
Reevaluating your goals is pretty important. I’m not sure how much you’ve read before or what reading level you’re at, but the first volume of spy x family was the hardest I read up to date. The second volume is already a bit easier to parse just by having more regular chapter lengths and less political background. Whenever Loid is on mission it tends to veer towards more difficult language.
I’ll be giving out my update later this week, the booster shot has sapped all of my will to make one. I have been lucky to be able to keep reading.
We explicitly arranged for the book club threads to stay open for 10 years instead of 1 year so that everybody can still ask questions even long after the actual book club is over. It would be really cool if we could get more questions in the same threads because then it becomes more and more helpful for people who read these books even later than you
So, please go ahead and ask there - I’m sure quite a few people (including me) are still monitoring those old threads and willing to help!
Oh will do! I posted in one of the threads above but I’ll use the Fruits Basket thread in that case. I have at least one sentence per page probably that I have questions about hahaha
Edit: the Google sheet is a real life saver too. Saves me a lot of time looking stuff up
Noice - glad to hear you are still enjoying the threads!
And yes, I remember the Fruits Basket dialogues are not always that easy to follow - looking forward to your questions (and whether I’ll be able to answer them )
Homepost - Tigerdate: 20220105
Tanuki Scroll V: トラとキツネ
Read today’s Japanese folk story from Wakayama Prefecture!
About a Chinese tiger challenging a Japanese fox to a race. The fox tricks the tiger to win the race and the tiger sulks back to China… and then sends a cat underling to go chase and bite the fox, but the cat mishears キツネ as ネズミ and this is apparently why cats chase mice.
☆ Learnings ☆
New Words
竹やぶ 「たけやぶ」 ー Bamboo grove
早歩き 「はやあるき」 ー Fast-walking, almost jogging
反対側 「はんたいがわ」 ー Opposite side, opposition
Forgotten Meanings
同然 「Just like; no different from; almost the same as」
Forgotten Readings
別れる 「わかれる」 (to part (from people); to part with)
@lucylavelle, happy birthday!!
モフモフ様!I don’t remember the real name of these little bird friends, but I do remember that they are just SO FLUFFY
I love these art styles, and the daily colours! I’ve got an art project going at the moment and one of your links had a section about the traditional colours of Japan and it’s actually exactly what I’ve been looking for, thank you, this’ll be real helpful!
January 5
君の名は , 9 pages.
Random words
- 気楽 = きらく carefree, at ease.
- 睨む = にらむ to glare at. to stare intensely at.
- そっけない = cold, blunt.
- ぶつかる = to strike against, to collide.
- 呟く = つぶやく to murmur, to mutter.
- 反射 = はんしゃ reflection, but also reflex.
- 老舗 = しにせ an established shop that has been going for a long time. Wanikani teaches this with the on’yomi as ろうほ but it’s apparently rare.
- 間取り = まどり plan of a house, arrangement of rooms.
I’m looking more and more forward to sitting and reading each day. It’s pretty chill. Who would’ve thought an hour would pass so fast, huh. Also so many words to learn and the grammar level seems to be about right for me, I’m quite happy :3
I wonder if I would get the same feeling reading on the Kindle . I really would like to love the Kindle, I really do. But there’s a certain something about physical books that I just keep coming back to it ;-; I still like the Kindle a lot but I get a much different feeling from it, somehow. It’s probably just not being used to it still.
Day 5: January 5
- 君の名は。page 22-31 (read 10% already in 6 days )
I got really confused when the two characters switched bodies again. I think the bold lines are there to give me a heads-up so for next time I will pay more attention to that xD This time I had to reread one page because I had no idea what was going on because I missed the important switch… Even though this novel is hard for me at my level, it is still fun to go through the book and letting the story play out in my head ^^
Day 5!
Its my birthday, but I still found time to squeeze in a bit of reading after snuggling lots of kitties at the Cat Cafe!
I read the first half of the 2nd chapter of Volume 2 of レンタルおにいちゃん.
Happy Birthday!
SOOOOO tired today But it was the last day before my free 呪術廻戦 volumes go away so I managed to just barely power through the rest of vol. 8. It definitely felt like more of a struggle but it was still fun! I have realised recently just how much being tired makes a difference in how well I can read in Japanese. I’ve had a few times when I’ve got really into reading and read too late and then I will get to a point like “ugh why is this chapter so hard!! I understand nothing!” and then I come back the next day after that thing called sleep and it’s totally fine. For that reason, I’m going to try to hold myself back from reading more 鏡の孤城 until my brain is working again.
Also, I thought I was going to pause 呪術廻戦 after the volumes buuut it left off on a really interesting place so I’m not sure I can. Will probably take it at a lot more chill pace though, maybe a chapter or two a day now I will no longer have that time pressure.
Happy birthday! Sounds like a pretty ideal day!
Aww, yeah I had the same with mine, really knocked me out for a few days. Hope you can take it easy and recover quickly!
Home Post
Day 5 Done
I reread the Hikoichi book yesterday, and read Momotaro today. Really noticing that it’s getting easier by the day. Also downloaded an Anki deck for the first 2 books that was available from their website. So also going through that aswell. Also because the books have a lot of vocabulary that isn’t really much used outside these types of stories. Things like lords, servants, demons etc.
Jan | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
Week 00 | |||||||
Week 01 | |||||||
Week 02 | |||||||
Week 03 | |||||||
Week 04 | |||||||
Week 05 |
Feb | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
Week 05 | |||||||
Week 06 | |||||||
Week 07 | |||||||
Week 08 | |||||||
Week 09 |
Day 4:
日本語: I read some of 伯爵と妖精 29.
中国語: I read a beginner entry on Mandarin Bean and one page of 擅长捉弄的高木同学.
You’d be surprised how often vocab like that comes up
Just four pages of 本陣殺人事件 and I’m still not done with the book for this week’s book club goal.
玉の輿 たまのこし money and social status gained by marrying a rich and powerful man
何でもかんでもなんでもかんでも anything and everything; all sorts of things; by all means
ほこり dust N3
頬 ほお cheek (face) N3
もじゃもじゃ dishevelled; disheveled; unkempt
January 5 update:
Finished reading よつばと! 1. In the last two chapters they finally started revealing some of Yotsuba’s and her father’s background, but when the father finally got to speak about it, I think I lost my ability to comprehend Japanese Apparently his explanation was intentionally hard to make sense of, because Fuuka also didn’t quite get it. Still, I think I’ll take a look at the book club’s thread now – perhaps they discussed this. (I specifically avoided reading the book club’s discussion so far – to give myself a chance to figure out things that were unclear initially from the context that’s introduced later.)
The ending was cute!
Interesting! Have you established some sort of routine around reading? I mostly find myself postponing my daily reading to almost bedtime, even if I have some free time earlier in the day. Not sure why, too, as I tend to enjoy it, and with よつばと! it wasn’t tedious at all.
Thanks for the advice @Thud (You’re the one who encourages me to read SPYXFAMILY haha)
Stay safe everyone