Homepost - Tigerdate: 20220112
Tanuki Scroll XII: クッカルとカラス
Don’t have a lot of time today so just a short story, a folktale from Kagoshima Prefecture!
I really like that prefecture emblem, will have to remember to read about Kagoshima some time
The story’s about why crows have black feathers. Crows used to have beautiful coats of many colours but kingfisher tricked the crow into going to a hot spring and stole the crow’s coat. This is also said to be why crows chase kingfishers.
☆ Learnings ☆
New Words
青緑「あおみどり」ー Blue-Green; Turquoise
クッカルー Ruddy Kingfisher. Though クッカル seems to be a nickname for them. Their proper name is:
赤翡翠「あかしょうびん」and they’re these cute little guys:
嘴「くちばし」ー Beak; Bill
ザブーンー Splash!
(I think, there doesn’t seem to be much on it, but it’s heavily implied that it’s onomatopoeia of jumping into water; also seems to be a make of washing machine )
ありゃー ー Oh ; ah
(not really a new word as it’s just a noise but I just loved one of the Jisho meanings: “I’ll be darned”)
ぶつぶつー A mumble/grumble
Forgotten Readings
騙す「だます」(To deceive)
(I encountered this word the other day but forgot how to read it, at least I remembered what it meant)