📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

March 12 :snowflake: Home Post

Alright, better reading day today!! I’m pretty solidly into my second 999 playthrough now, skipping all the repeat sections really moves stuff along :joy:

999 things

I continue to be very suspicious of ニルス, 四葉(よつば), and (むらさき), so I’m really interested to see what ends up happening there! I enjoy all the characters a lot though, going through their interactions and figuring out new puzzles has been lots of fun. There was a good callback to a joke I saw in my first playthrough:

淳平(じゅんぺい) made the same joke he boldly made to 八代(やしろ)'s face before, and of course セブン thought it was absolutely hilarious :joy: and then it just got escalated even more, so good times all around.

I am intrigued by a branch I’ll be going down in the future: at the second branching path I tried going through door 3, but it’s impossible to do that without leaving like half the people behind, which I didn’t have the heart to do this time but I will have to eventually so… interesting to see how that will go

All in all a good reading day, I wanna play more but I’m sleepy so :joy: tomorrow!


筐体(きょうたい) - case (of a machine), cabinet, chassis
怨念(おんねん) - deep-seated grudge, hatred
対照的(たいしょうてき) - contrastive

Ahhhh congrats, that’s super awesome!! :tada: :tada: :tada: I’m glad you’re still having a good time with it!