Finished the epilogue of Zenitendo volume 3 yesterday and that left me today with some time to read something else. So I read another chapter of One Piece, I just read it full screen on the monitor browsing the jump+ site. Not ideal, but I was on the pc anyway so why not use that opportunity I guess. There’s some words there that I cross checked to be sure, but otherwise a comfy read. Not that long of a chapter, already familiar with the world and characters. Slowly getting used to the speech styles. I think it helps that I have seen the anime and the furigana even if tiny to have that first check of is that right.
I also enjoyed my read of Zenitendo volume 3, there’s some stories you relate to more than others. I thought the first chapter was pretty sweet and the last two stories were quite disturbing. I’m now okay with not reading it for a while and want to move to other challenges.
Speaking of challenges, this is also the last day of august and kinda marks an end of the summer reading challenge. But I’ll just continue reading for the coming month and giving updates like usual. I’ll start by going through my reading pile one by one. The goal for next month is reading Polar Bear Cafe Today’s Special vol 4, Hero Avan vol 5 and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. If there’s room for anything else then I can always grab something from my kindle library or read some manga through jump+.