📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2022 🌸 🌱

April 1st & 2nd :cherry_blossom: :cat2: :cherry_blossom:

Home post

Yesterday was so busy I didn’t have time to make a post, so I will summarize both day 1 and day 2 of my reading practice here :3 It took me a long time and I understood very little, however I feel like progress has been made. Going from nearly no reading to reading for around 1h daily is rather exhausting, but it feels good to know that if only I keep going it will get easier.

Day 1 :cat2:

I panicked, because I realized I didn’t have a reading list ready. So I scoured some sites and came across this 吾輩は猫である by 夏目漱石. It caught my interest because (surprise surprise) it is cat themed. Issue is, that once I opened the book I realized this is way way way above my current ability. But I decided to give it a go anyways, since I (for some reason) kind of enjoy painstaikingly reading something sentence by sentence until it clicks one day. Also, after the very wise and poetic words of @pocketcat about perusing reading materials, I won’t feel guilty about dropping this.
It was also very helpful to have an English version of it opened up while trying to read reading.

I’ve only managed to get through the first few sentences (writing this stuff out is incredibly time consuming :sweat_smile:), however I can’t say I didn’t enjoy the process. So far I have learnt that Cat, whose name we don’t know yet, has no idea where it was born and it had heard rumours that humans eat and boil cats.

Here’s a lil bit of what I’ve managed to do (there’s another half a page):

Day 2 :cat2: :cherry_blossom:

I decided to stick with the cat theme but do something a little (seemingly) easier: this article 「西炯子と大ちゃん」 - ネコメンタリー 猫も、杓子(しゃくし)も。 - NHK about mangaka 西炯子 and her cat 大ちゃん. I struggled a lot with the lack of kanji in some places - while I am getting better at recognizing words, a long row of just hiragana can get confusing. Nevertheless, I managed to get the gist of it - will probably return to it again to re-read it. Also, this is really helping me improve my ability to read katakana, which I suck at.