Day 10: September 10
What did I read?: 雨と君と Vol 1
How much did I read?: 26 pages (5 chapters)
How long did it take me?: 15 min
Speaking of super easy things I can go to when I’m exhausted
My brain = へばる
My brain really just noped out on me for most of the day, which I really don’t like and I need it to not do that anymore right now. So I’m gonna try taking it easier on the reading for a little bit. …Which I am trying to not be disappointed/feel bad about. I hate that I often feel like I have to give up things in order to function at work. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Why can’t I just do all the things like everyone else. ksfdkljfl
Anyway, I wanted to look at cute pictures today so that’s what I did This manga was actually advertised in a different manga that I bought - normally, I don’t pay any attention to the little inserts that come with manga, but the pictures on this one were so cute that I immediately knew I had to have it The premise is that this woman finds a “stray dog” (really a tanuki) and takes it home. So far it doesn’t seem to have much of a story line going on, but the art is cute.
Something weird that I noticed, I think it uses the exact same page number font as Flying Witch It’s pretty sparse on text, but I did still learn some words/phrases.
面倒を見る (めんどうをみる) - to care for someone; to look after someone
お利口 (おりこう) - well-behaved (esp. children and pets); obedient; good
Ahhh this makes me so happy! I hope you love it as much as I do