📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2023 🧣🍂🍁

:fallen_leaf: 10月 - 01日~08日 Summary :fallen_leaf: {{ My Home Post }}

First week of the reading challenge done! I’ve been mostly reading デキる猫1 in bits and pieces, sometimes looking unknown things up as I go, sometimes not. I’m about 46% of the way through according to my Kindle stats, iirc.

I started playing 牧場物語しあわせの詩 for the first time on Wednesday! There’s no furigana but I could understand probably about 95% or more, and that was very encouraging. I’ve played Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games before, but never this one specifically–so having knowledge of the series helps, but I’m still going in pretty blind.

I finally finished ハピネス1in one sitting on Saturday, and am relieved to be moving on to the items on my Reading Level+1 Challenge that better suit my tastes. :sweat_smile:

Friday was touch-and-go, as I mentioned in my personal study log–I’m going to count some concentrated reading I did for work, but technically, in between everything else I was trying to get done that day, I forgot to read something for the sake of the challenge. Oops.

Next up on the docket for Reading Level+1 is よつばと!3、which I’m very excited about. I’ve finally reached the general level I was comfortable reading at when I first started the challenge, which is neat.

Daily Tracker

01 Sun: デキる猫は今日も憂鬱1

02 Mon: デキる猫は今日も憂鬱1

03 Tue: デキる猫は今日も憂鬱1

04 Wed: 牧場物語しあわせの詩

05 Thu: 絵描き魔女のインスタの投稿

06 Fri: 仕事のもの

07 Sat: ハピネス1(finished!)

08 Sun: デキる猫は今日も憂鬱1