📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

December 2-4 :heavy_check_mark: :tophat: :rose:

叙述トリック短編集, 5-15%
ユージニア , 32-40%

These last three days I have been keeping up with my advent reading, and surprisingly I managed to finish this week’s Eugenia chapter last night. I had written before how I like focusing on one book at a time, yet since November I’ve been juggling several, and it has mostly worked out great. However now I also made myself read two different books a day (the advent book + book club), and it’s harder than I expected, because I find it takes my brain some time to switch from one to the other. Especially these two books, Eugenia and the narrative tricks, they’re both mysteries, but their approach couldn’t be more different. Both need the reader’s active participation for full enjoyment - you need to constantly watch out for clues - but the writing and the clues you need to watch out for are so different that it felt really jarring moving from one to the other.

The other mystery club book is much simpler in its approach, so I expect less friction. I also really want to start おいしいごはんが食べられますように with the informal reading group. We were supposed to start today, and I was sure I couldn’t finish Eugenia in time, but I have, so I might start reading that today, or get 体育館の殺人 out of the way first. I’d never planned my reading so carefully before, this is getting crazy. :crazy_face: