Re Zero Volume 8 Post reading discussion

First of all, congratulation for finishing the 8th volume of Re Zero :tada:

Re Zero Home Thread

Previous Chapter

In short, I want to have everyone’s opinion on Re Zero book 8 and on the book club in general.

Here are some rules
-This is a friendly discussion, not a debate about who is wrong or right so respect is compulsory.
-Some of these questions ask for Constructive comments not insults. Again respect is compulsory
-Your opinion is important so please speak up.
-Have fun.
-Do not spoil future books. If you speak about future expectation please use the spoiler tag.
-Since the book is about the first volume…

How did you like the book(1 = very bad, 10 = perfect)

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  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

I would like if you can describe in more details your experience so here are some guideline. These are only guidelines you don’t need to use them but I can help you develop your opinion.

-Was the story plot good, interesting, made sense, captivating etc…
-The characters are well made, interesting, who is your favorite etc…
-The difficulty was good, too hard, too easy, grammar, vocab etc…

What difficulty was the book for you(1 = too easy, 10 = too hard)

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  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Next section is about the bookclub

How would you rate the Bookclub in therm of usefulness, fun, organisation(1 = worst book club, 10 = best book club)

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  • 10

0 voters

The book club is well made, easy to find/know, etc…
The book club is interesting, fun, etc
The book club is useful for learning, etc…

The last one is mostly to help me.

What did you think of me as the manager of bookclub(1 = worst, 10 = best) This poll is obviousy anonymous.

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0 voters

I want to know if there is anything I can do to make the book club more interesting for you guys. (Please be kind to me :sob:) I’m asking for ways for me to get better, for example, more details, more organization, change some things in my way of doing things, etc… I can accept critics so I won’t be mad if you say I’m bad :sob:
How do you like reading aloud?

  • Really fun
  • Fun
  • okay
  • Bad
  • Really bad

0 voters

How do you rate the usefulness of reading aloud

  • Very uselful
  • Useful
  • Not useful
  • Useless

0 voters

So yeah, I will be waiting to read about what you have to say :smile:

Here is the moment you were all waiting for… THE QUIZ :tada:


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  • 8

0 voters


  • :heavy_multiplication_x:

0 voters


  • 赤毛の女の人
  • 緑髪の男の人
  • 年上の男の人
  • スバル

0 voters


  • へータローミミとティビー
  • ミミティビーへーとタロー
  • ティビーへーとタローとミミ
  • ミミへータローとティビー

0 voters


  • クア
  • アロ
  • イク
  • イン
  • ネス
  • イア

0 voters

Don’t forget to post your result I hope you have fun.


That… does not make sense. I guess you mean something like スバルは精霊と親和性が高い or something like that? Otherwise, I will be forced to vote :x: despite what you say is the correct answer :stuck_out_tongue:

No, that’s the fifth one :sweat_smile: Also の, not な :eyes:

[…] Okay, I’ll just refrain from further comments, except if you want me to :sweat_smile:


Okay so I corrected the mistake. I did it late yesterday so it seems some mistakes just got in.

If there is more mistake just say it’s better to correct them then letting them there. I know my Japanese is not the best so maybe some question are not clear. I know that the ミミへータロー one might not be clear

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That depends. If the point gets across, it’s fine. Of course, corrections are part of the learning process, but it’s all about opportunity cost. (I’m not native, so my corrections may not be accurate or optimal; it would take time to check, time that could be spent doing something else; etc…)

Anyway, here goes:

So, つけた is in the active form, which is unnatural as is. (So it’s not grammatically wrong afaik just weird). Since the subject is not obvious, you need to either add it or use the passive form.
active version: ユリウスがスバルにつけ(てい)た精霊 (I feel like つけた works here, but checking on google gives me an almost exact match using つけていた. Using the continuous tense adds the meaning that the 精霊 is currently on, not using it does not have that meaning, i.e., maybe it’s gone now; for the case at hand, I feel つけた works best.)
passive version: … is actually confusing, since the に could either indicate that it has been put on Subaru or by Subaru, so the active version is best.

兄弟 can actually be used in a gender neutral way. You do not need the 姉妹. No な after (it’s not an adjective!). 関係 isn’t the word you want. You are trying to ask about their birth order. If you want to use big words, birth order is actually 出生順位 in Japanese. If you want something more natural, you could say something like へータローとミミとティビーの生まれ順はなんですか。(末っ子から)


Ah right.




About love, it was kinda funny when the author basically dumped all words that contain 愛 :joy:


I was wondering why Felt and Reinhart were on the cover and had illustrations because we did not saw them. I then heard that they cut their part from the web novel.
Btw they did the entire book then at the end Subaru dies. The entire book has been canceled. (No he learned stuff but I found it funny to say it like that.)
I found out that Julius was more bro than I thought. He seemed super arrogant before but now he seems super nice.
For the difficulty, I feel like the difficulty just spiked in the various strategy meetings that they were doing.
The illustrations were better than the last book I believe.

Yeah at one point I was watching the anime and trying to write them all when I was imitating Petelgeuse in the home thread. Later on, I saw they were all in the book. There is so much more in the book than in the anime.
@mrahhal thx again for the illustrations.

I’m sad only one person has done my quiz T.T But then maybe not everyone have fnished the book


Did you hear it from the discussion between me and @mrahhal two weeks ago? :joy:

I know. The author got me good there. I thought, we’re in too deep, that’s the one, Subaru’s going to make it through. And then he didn’t. I hope there was a checkpoint after kill the whale…

With respect to the meeting, I didn’t find them as difficult as I found them boring. :thinking: the actual content is expedited, and it’s mostly just stuff about Subaru’s lack of confidence and relations with the other characters, especially ユリウス. That’s fine in itself, but somehow the way it was written (?) didn’t do it for. Conversations were mostly going in circle due the stubbornness of Subaru.

Note that’s not a problem unique to this series. The wheel of time is probably the series that exemplifies that problem the most (I even gave up reading it midway).

The thing I liked the most about this book is all the juicy details we got about the Cult (yet leaving a lot still unknown).


I believe I did yes.

Yeah but I do find it correct. I know of some show that it is really annoying but in this one, I feel like it’s well made. This is where we seem to be in contradiction but Subaru is by no mean a hero that is overpowering or a super intelligent person. He is a normal person with the ability to rewind time. I feel like these emotions are justified. Sometimes he gets ahead of himself when things get too good then when he realises he is weak he depresses. This is what makes Subaru Subaru for me. He was more annoying before.
maybe Julius need to beat him more :thinking:


We had that conversation before :joy: We are not in contradiction, I agree with you here. But instead of having basically the same conversation three times, just have it once over three interactions, and keep the internal ruminations. Otherwise, it feels like padding. It’s just a problem with the form, not the content.


Yeah at the time I didn’t think of it much, but I’m sure there’s just a little bit of padding. It was worth it whenever I think of that ending. What an ending. Just when you think there’s no way this isn’t the correct loop, he does’t just kill him off, he does it while adding one more major problem on top of everything for the next loop.


Yeah you are right again. I’m getting old it seem.

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At the breakneck speed of 60 seconds per minute.

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It’s pretty fast. I will used that expression next time because I find it funny for some reason
The funny is I think I used pretty much the same words and way of phrasing them last time I told to you about it. It seems my opinion of him haven’t changed much

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After I stopped reading in week 1 due to life reasons, I’m very glad I was able to catch up again.

I really liked this book. Yeah, the negotiations got a bit long there at times, but overall I think the pacing was really good. I loved getting to know the characters better, and especially Julius and Felt got some good screen time.

After the whale everything was going so smoothly if was almost expecting a loop any page now … And then the story just went on for so long that it was a bit of a surprise to have it happen at the end after all

I really enjoyed the action, and the unfolding of events and relationships, and how we/the group bit by bit learned more about the cult.

Really looking forward to the next one (which will finally allow me (well all of us, but I think no one else here is watching that one right now) to finish season 1 of the anime!

I’ll probably try to catch up with at least one other book club before volume 9 though.


Yeah I really liked that they give more time for Felt. I mean she could have had more than a picture but I appreciate they thought about her

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I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Belerith meant Felis. Don’t get embarrassed, Felis and Felt have very close prettiness level. Anyone could mix them up.


I guessed it but I wanted to joke about it. Don’t go destroying my joke jeez. :triumph:


I destroyed your joke by joking about it myself. Oops

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Oops. :eyes:

Yeah, I mean you know?

Names are hard. :sob:

Romaji names are even worse for some reason.
