Re Zero Volume 3 after book discussion

First of all, congratulation for finishing the third volume of Re Zero :tada:

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In short, I want to have everyone opinion on Re Zero book 3 and on the bookclub in general.

Here are some rules
-This is a friendly discussion, not a debat about who is wrong or right so respect is compulsory.
-Some of these question ask for Constructive comments not insults. Agains respect is compulsory
-Your opinion is important so please speak up.
-Have fun.
-Do not spoil futur book. If you speak about futur expectation please use the spoiler tag.
-Since the book is about the first volume…

How did you like the book(1 = very bad, 10 = perfect)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

I would like if you can describe in more details your experience so here are some guideline. These are only guidelines you don’t need to use them but I can help you develop your opinion.

-Was the story plot good, interesting, made sense, captivating etc…
-The characters are well made, interesting, who is your favorite etc…
-The difficulty was good, too hard, too easy, grammar, vocab etc…

What difficulty was the book for you(1 = too easy, 10 = too hard)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Next section is about the bookclub

How would you rate the Bookclub in therm of usefulness, fun, organisation(1 = worst book club, 10 = best book club)

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

The bookclub is well made,easy to find/know, etc…
The bookclub is interesting, fun, etc
The bookclub is useful for learning, etc…

The last one is mostly to help me.

What did you think of me as the manager of bookclub(1 = worst, 10 = best) This poll is obviousy anonymous.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Since it’s my third time managing a bookclub I want to know if there is anything I can do to make the bookclub more interesting for you guys.(Please be kind to me :sob:) I’m asking for way for me to get better, for example more details, more organisation, change some things in my way of doing things etc… I can accept critics so I won’t be mad if you say i’m bad :sob:
How do you like reading aloud?

  • Really fun
  • Fun
  • okay
  • Bad
  • Really bad

0 voters

How do you rate the usefulness of reading aloud

  • Very uselful
  • Useful
  • Not useful
  • Useless

0 voters

here is a fun little quiz the answer are blur after the questions. Please write your result in the comments


  • レム
  • ベアトリス
  • 子犬
  • 村の子供たち
  • 村の人たち

0 voters


  • ロズワール
  • レム
  • ラム
  • スバル

0 voters

答え: ロズワール

  • ラム
  • レム
  • エミリア
  • ベアトリス
  • スバル

0 voters


  • ウルゴーア
  • シャマク
  • パック
  • 風刀
  • 囮作戦

0 voters


  • 死に戻り
  • 死に帰り
  • 死に生き
  • 死から戻り
  • 死に戻る
  • 死から帰り

0 voters


  • レム
  • ラム

0 voters


I kinda missed time to make question but I hope these will be fun to do.
So yeah, I will be waiting to read about what you have to say :smile:


I just realize that i forgot to change one question from last time. question 4 is the same as the last quiz.

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It was interesting to see Subaru trying too hard. I thought it would immediately make him look suspicious, and it did, but thanks to Emilia, he still got out of that. Then finally some progress on the plot, which was good too.
My main problem with the story is that Subaru took serious beating after serious beating, but didn’t even stop. That reminded me a bit of dragon ball were you just don’t understand anymore if the situation is bad or not since characters can just take an infinite amount of damage… also, the fact that he lost the use of magic for a few years doesn’t really have an impact, since he hasn’t been really using it except as plot device.

Well, we’ll see what happens now that we have finished the tutorial and prologue quests and get to the open world :stuck_out_tongue:

In terms of difficulty, I feel this book was easier than the previous ones. Action and descriptions are easier to follow than some interactions between characters. In particular, there was very few weird 四字熟語 from Subaru.

About the book club, it’s hard for me to rate, since I’m not participating in the read aloud sessions and I’m not posting much either. That’s all on me, though, so don’t take the score I gave at heart. I like the club :slight_smile:

About managing the club, maybe get alerts on google calendar or something to help you post new threads on time? :thinking: Also don’t forget to put links in the OP of the home thread. You’re doing just fine, though :slight_smile:

I was about to say “do you mean 問1 or something” then, selecting it I noticed that you had indeed an answer behind it :joy: It’s hard to notice with the dark theme.


Hmm. The only reason he managed to keep going in the volume is probably Emilia’s consolation, it felt like it really had a big effect on him. We did see a bit of how he functions after he discovered who was killing him. I feel like he’s a bit fast to change moods, turning from depressed to will-even-kill-himself (to save others) in few minutes. He has strong emotions and incentives, mostly driven by feelings of affection (romantic + familial?) maybe, and they drag him to both extremes. So being treated like that by Emilia in the start of the volume might have given him the big dose he needed.

Also, it feels that he only managed to reach here without dying in this volume because of luck + help both physical and mental from other people. It would be interesting to see how he might deal with this if his luck wasn’t as good.

We’ll see how the story progresses from here :slight_smile:

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Will be back to reply properly when I’m not on my phone, so tonight probably.

I appreciate how you have all 3 volumes represented in that op. :joy: maybe change the pic to book 3 at least? That one’s really in your face. ^^


Yeah sorry had to do it quickly. I will do it tonight


I really like this book more than the last one mostly because I felt more things were happening. I’m not against non action scene but I didn’t felt tha ta lot of thing happened in book 2. (Maybe because he was always doing it again and again AND AGAIN). There was more development so it was more interesting for me.

The action scene are harder to understand proably because of the vocabulary or because I need to have a clear picture to understand it. That made the book harder for me.

There was a nice character development of Rem and Ram which was really nice. I also really like beatrice but sadly she probably won’t appear for a bit.

As an anime watcher, I was surprise that I forgot some scene. I have rewatched some part to be sure they were in the anime. I was sure Subaru killed the huge dog but I was surprise that it was Roswald meteor shower that killed him. I like how OP Roswald is despite him looking like a clown.

So in short a better book than the second but harder.


Well, I meant more in a physical sense. The thing that really broke my suspension of disbelief is the scene where he runs with a fricking dislocated shoulder. Breathing with a dislocated shoulder is hell. Walking will make you want to die. And he is running on uneven terrain while carrying a girl and having a conversation? Yeah, I think not.
Add in all the other injuries, old and new he had, and basically it just makes you wonder if getting injured has any meaning at all :woman_shrugging:

It’s so funny that we have diametrically opposite opinions :joy:


Oh, well. I didn’t think about it much in that sense to be honest, because he’s already in a do-or-die situation so even if he’s hurting he can’t just stop… And sure, I agree that this might be a big exaggerated scene, but this is a light novel after all :sweat_smile:


That is really funny. We probably have different opinion on how good/coherent the book is. From what I read from your comment you found some elements incoherent. When I stumble upon these kind of things my apreciation of the book is going down. Since I like it less i’m less into it and find it more and more reason to complaint. Which normaly is suppose to make the book harder to read since you have less motivation. But since you found it easier I will suppose you are getting better with every book. For me my biggest problem with understanding is probably grammar. I know a lot of words but sometimes the link between them is hard to get. (I’m getting off topic though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

I like reading other people comments especially when they are different because i can see something I haven’t realised yet.


I liked this book. Yes it did have some shortcomings, but overall good :slight_smile:

Subaru was incredibly lucky this time around. From Emilia comforting him and giving him resolve, as well as Rem walking in on that scene, along with Roswald arriving at the scene where Subaru was at his end, I’d hate to imagine if he failed. Well, let’s not think about that haha :sweat_smile:

A couple things were interesting. One was when Roswald was commenting on how unusual it is for Beatrice to help anyone, let alone Subaru. At the end of that sentence, he ended it with まさか. Now that word’s meaning could differ depending on the context. I was wondering if it meant, ‘could it be?’ like he was thinking to a previous event where Beatrice acted this way. Could be a foreshadowing? Or it could just simply mean まさか, ‘who would’ve thought’.

The second one was at the end when Ram was talking with Roswald and commented on how tired she must be and offered to replenish her mana. I finally understood why they have these sessions (I must’ve completely forgot it from the anime). It makes sense since with her horn gone, she has trouble regulating the mana flow in her body. It made me wonder what would happen if she had completely depleted her mana? Probably die I guess? It also makes me appreciate how much Ram put her life on the line to help Subaru and Rem, knowing what might happen if she did this.

Also, I feel bad for Subaru not being able to use his magic for years. It was one of those things that he really liked having (even though he didn’t use it much). Maybe they will find some way in the future to fix this?

Anyway, looking forward to the next story progression in the next book!


That one was okay, since he was supposed to be back around that time and Emilia told him to look for Subaru’s use of magic. It’s a bit of a lucky guess on her part, since, without the random gift of the MP fruit, one would assume Subaru would not use something that would otherwise leave him defenseless. She could have thought that he’d use magic in desperation anyway.

The text says explicitly she would eventually wither and die without input. There’s no timeframe, but I would expect sooner rather than later.

Well, that was only toward the end, when they go back to the mountain, so I don’t think it would have much influence? :thinking: In any case, lack of motivation would not make things harder, I think, just slower, as I would often put the book down rather than keep reading. It can explain why I got late at the end, though, since that was induced by me not reading anymore :stuck_out_tongue: .


Nice catch, I was thinking the same. Another thing that might be related in some way is when she said “ベテーには関係のないことかしら” after shooing him away right before his first death in the mansion in the previous volume (which sounds like she was convincing herself that she doesn’t have to do anything).


I liked this book. :slight_smile:

Thanks to nobody dying this time, there was a lot of character development and character relationship growth, which is one of my favorite things.

I guess Subaru’s ability to just ignore his bodily discomfort was a bit much for me too. Especially when he’d gotten thrown through the air and yet somehow managed to cut off Rem’s horn. That was when his shoulder got dislocated too, so by the time they were running through the forest I had already decided to suspend all disbelief and didn’t let that bother me. ^^;

My highlights this volume were Rem and Ram, but really all character interaction. I like their voices. ^^ Rem and Ram also had their interludes, which were interesting in that they showed us a different narrator.

Personally I really like the reading sessions on discord, even if we don’t always manage to hold them. (I won’t be able to join another until February btw, since I’m on holiday right now. :D)

This turned out a bit more superficial than I’d have liked, but I’m just glad I found the time. :stuck_out_tongue: Really appreciate these after book discussions and getting to read everyone’s opinions. :slight_smile: