Race to Your Goal! December 2020 JLPT



This is perfect thank you!


Grats to
aafunian level 12!
fennelfox level 7!
kasumitomonari level 3!
carlostdev level 2!

Another step closer to the big 60!
My own level up will take a while longer. That’s what you get for not remembering one kanji too many.
Oh well, keep on reviewing!



@FennelFox Congrats on the level up! :smiley:

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If I don’t make any more mistakes, level 8 will be achieved on sunday.
I also get to push a few early kanji to enlightened in a few hours.


Thank you!!:smile:

Good luck!


Hello! I’m only level three now… but this seems much more doable for me than the other olympic goal :sweat_smile: Best of luck to all, lets do our best to motivate each other!



My level up is botched.
Tomorrow morning at the earliest.
I should really learn my kanji during the lessons. I know I only need to do it in 10 days, but I kinda liked being able to do it in 8.
Not like I don’t have the time for the reviews. I just fail too much. DAMN YOU KANJI

I’ll get there though. Vocabulary is going fine. I’m not behind.


I’m joining you all! I struggled a bit the past 2-3 months at levels 13-15 and just recently did a reset to level 13. I hope this “race” will motivate me not to get to this kind of slump again. And as I would be able to reach level 60 in December 2020 with an average of 12 days per level, I think that’s totally doable! (Saw the Olympics thread first but level 60 by Summer 2020 didn’t seem dobale for me, so I’m happy that I found this thread!)

At the moment I’m preparing for the JLPT N4 that’s in about a month. Anyone else taking the test this summer?

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I did my lessons while I was highly distracted (bad decision). So I kept getting certain kanji wrong multiple times.

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@FennelFox Update: lvl 11, speed 8 day 12 hours

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yay progress!

One more kanji for a level up though.
Tomorrow, you will be mine!


@FennelFox Will you add me please? I’m level 3 right now, no speed to report just yet, as I took a very long break :sweat_smile:

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Welcome!! I’m really glad to have you. It’s only a few months, but it does help a lot, I think! You can also set a goal other than 60 in this group, if you’d like.

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Oh MAN, I hate it when that happens. So frustrating! I know the difference between West and Four, but when I’m rushing through my reviews, I keep answering that 西 reads よん and then I gnash my teeth and promptly forget to watch out for that the next time.

Go get it, Krysta!! I look forward to your victory post. :+1:


C= C= C= C= C=┌(;・ω・)┘ Level up!! Doing some grammar practice at the same time now, here’s to not burning out!


Welcome back! I’ve added you in! It’s great that you returned. I took a break of, like, 10 years in studying, myself XD

Go! Go! Go Fight Win! This is the war of the soul! (song by B’z)

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Yay level 8!
79 new lessons unlocked.
Oh boy!

Edit: Yes, I should get a custom image.