4️⃣ Quartet 1 and 2 Study Group

I’m pretty close to finishing Genki 2, so I might check in on this. I guess it depends on how eager I am to dive in to another textbook vs other activities come August


From my experience with book clubs, people struggling are a great help for everybody. You might ask questions on things other people hadn’t thought about, and answering questions really helps answering things and solidifying knowledge. So it more beneficial for the group to have people of all levels.
Now to know if it is still beneficial for you. I would say try it and see. If it takes you too long time to understand things and it’s hard to follow the pace, then it can be fine to drop it and go back to it later, for the sake of using your time effectively.
But I’m not too worried, even if you are N4, when you read manga you can’t avoid running into N3 grammar too, so might be many things you’ve already encountered


Cool :slight_smile: hope you’ll give it a try and see how it feels! and if it’s too early/ you don’t have time, the threads will be there for you for later!


Okey dokey! It makes sense when you put it like that :sweat_smile:

Sure hope that’s the case, よつばちゃん is my master and has my full trust



I managed to finally bite the bullet and finally get these, so I will be joining when you start!

Also agree on having people at different skill levels making discussions more interesting! I find I learn more by trying to answer people’s questions than I would just if I glossed over something myself, so it can definitely help both the asker and the askee if there is a good discussion going!


Exactly! Awesome that you will join! The more active participants, the more we can keep each other motivated :grin:


Which level is recommended for starting Quartet though? I though it was N4.

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From what I understood this is supposed to take you through N3 (book 1) to N2 (book2) as a “bridge” to from low intermediate to high intermediate level.

My level is a bit below that, that’s why I wanted to be sure. I still have a month and I’ll be hitting hard those N4 grammar videos that TokiniAndy has and trying to fill the gaps of my beginner level.


Yes as Pitapi says it is N3. Roughly it is:

  • Genki 1 = N5
  • Genki 2 = N4
  • Quartet 1 = N3
  • Quartet 2 = N2

From the book:


Personally, I find the order and organization in the book a bit odd at times, and it suffers from many of the same problems as Genki in terms of the lack of practice exercises. I actually find the listening exercises at the end of the units easier than the earlier reading exercises. And because I am not in a class, I’ve never paid attention to the writing tasks more than a little.

But this group should help me focus on the book again! and for that I am thankful. I dropped the book around unit 2/3 and haven’t picked up motivation again, yet. So, having others to study with will help!

Re: Tobira, I also have that (and Minna no Nihongo Pre-Int). I waffle between Quartet and Tobira regarding my interest in their reading and listening content and the grammar presentation. Neither is a perfect textbook, but I think both can be useful as tools. It’ll be good to get motivated again. Recently, my studies have taken me elsewhere.


Thanks for the input! Nice to hear from someone who’ve tried it and happy that you will join us!

Same here, I haven’t focused much on writing and talking while self studying, hopefully we can make up for that now. The fact that there is a whole week for each skill will help I think, and to have the group.
I’m still thinking about starting a Discord group too so we can have actual talking practice with each other, but I guess I’m waiting to see how many people participate and what kind of exercices there’ll be to see if it makes sense.


Quartet is a direct follow on from Genki so if you go through the Tokini Andy videos for Genki 2 you’re perfectly set to start Quartet :slight_smile:


Just found this thread.

I received Quartet 1 this morning and wanted to check if someone in WK had an opinion on it… And I found this study group.

I will definitely participate, not sure if I will follow your pace or go quicker/slower.

I bought it because I will start some online classes using Quartet.

I also have Tobira, but never passed the first chapter. I passed N3 last year (ギリギリ: 95/160), but I still feel I don’t really master N3 grammar and stuffs, so it won’t hurt going through it.



Going totally blind here with the pace, so hopefully we can adjust as we go if it’s completely off for the majority! So don’t hesitate to give feedback on how you’re doing!
See you at the start line :slight_smile:


I’ve had Quartet 1 lying around forever. It was part of an aborted attempt to try solo learning with a textbook (which I suck at). So, might as well join and give this another try.


Timing is good, I’ve finished the grammar points on Bunpro corresponding to Genki 2 just this week so ordered myself a physical copy of Quarter 1 which should arrive next week.


Awesome @Boodil and @araigoshi, happy to have you with us!

I just added in the main post the link to ToKini Andy’s youtube playlist with the Grammar walkthroughs, they are accessible for free as far as I can tell:

I’ve also put the link to his website where there is extra content if you pay the membership. I have the membership presently so I’ll let you know if there is something inspiring over there that can be worth the subscription. I didn’t check everything out yet but not all sections are worth paying, for example nothing to see in the Speaking section… (yet?)


Sorry if this has already been answered but will we be using/answering questions from
the Quartet Workbook or just the Quartet Textbook ? I plan on buying what I need for the study group this week and I probably won’t buy the workbook if we’re just sticking to the textbook exercises :slight_smile: お金がないんだ haha


Yes definitely including the workbook in the plan :slight_smile:
I wonder if anybody has the textbook alone?


in a less reputable sense, if you catch my drift, the workbook PDFs exist out there in high quality and you could either fill them out on a tablet or answer the questions in a physical notebook