I can’t say for certain, but it’s possible that いな is only the pronunciation for that one word (or very few words). WK typically teaches the most common reading first, and た, often rendaku’d to だ, shows up all over the place, including in a lot of names.
WK isn’t teaching anything wrong. The regular readings of 田 are た and でん. What you posted is a word with an irregular reading. Jukujikun is a word using a reading that does not match the readings of its individual characters but uses their meaning. It’s like the reading からだ for 身体. That reading does match any combination of the readings of the individual kanji of 身 or 体. Same with the word you posted.
If you look up that word on Jisho you’ll even see at the bottom it says:
いなか: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
行 is similar. WK introduces コウ in kanji even though there are other on’yomi, and only introduce い, -ゆ.き, and おこな in vocab (at least up to level 7) even though there are other kun’yomi.
Sometimes a kanji has a lot of readings (standard or not), and WaniKani may not necessarily NEED to introduce all of them. The level with which you want to understand kanji may be better suited at an academic level.
Again, this was a misunderstanding of the original comment. Netzach seemed, to me, to be complaining that a potential reading of a kanji was not taught on WaniKani.
Regardless of whether or not the reading the OP thought was an actual reading is a standard reading or not, the fact is that WaniKani doesn’t necessarily have to teach every reading of every Kanji. Even if they do occasionally introduce non-standard readings of kanji in compound words.
As I said to them before, if they would like to learn every reading (including non-standard ones), it may be better to look at kanji from an academic standpoint.
I’m just explaining why I posted what I posted man… I never said that you were wrong… I understand what you’re saying. None of what I’ve said has been meant to disagree with you in any way. I can’t see why you don’t understand that.
You clarified it by assuming that after your first post I didn’t understand what you meant. After my initial post I was simply trying to explain to you (and to him) that even IF that WERE a reading of 田 (which it’s definitely not, before you jump on that again), WaniKani has a method to its madness that does not necessarily require it to be present in learning the kanji individually.
Because even though, in this case, that wasn’t a reading of that kanji. It certainly could come up in the future where there are valid readings of kanji that are not on WaniKani, and this post would be valid then. That’s what I was addressing.
Edit: Thanks, I wasn’t trying to argue either. I just wanted to address what I thought was the primary reason they posted that in the first place.
I got heavily surprised on the JLPT the first time I attempted it (started at N3) when some less common readings of some kanji were used in the Kanji section.
I realized that studying other readings of some really common kanji was in my best interest. However, I found that university level and higher were the best resources for really getting into the nitty gritty about readings and non-standard usages.
With the internet? Of course not! But what I have found is that to really get down into why readings come about, how non-standard usage becomes part of the vernacular, and others is to actually learn from people who have experience in this field. For me, that was professors at my university. For others, self-study may be sufficient.
The only thing I would say is of the MOST benefit when it comes to university level studies is that there are people who study the language for a living all around you. Learning from those people is something I found very helpful.
I guess it depends on where you live, and what major money is for you.
I live in Mexico, took a semester of N4 preparation class for basically $200.
Passed the test with flying colors, and they provided us all the material.
It also helps a lot with motivation (for me) and structured learning.