This is a copy paste of a comment i’ve made - but I’ve seen a couple of post of people about lvl 7 sharing their doubt\frustration , and I think most tips they’ve received aren’t cutting it at all.
I’m now on WK for 293 days, reviewed 50% of the days I’m here, took long breaks, and just all around felt like the net effect of WK to my studies wasn’t postive, as grammar, speaking, reading were taking a hit, and I’ve felt like walking in mud for half a year ( I study at uni, and also study Chinese there… time is scarce) .
Le pic :
If you’re short on time, skip right to the API section below, as I believe these are more important than anything else for better learning, and studying in WK
Below are practical and technical steps that now enable me to do WK faster, with less stress, in a more enjoyable way. I’l add links etc later.
TBH i think most of the tips people wrote in the comments are insufficient or not practical enough. imo there is a better way to organize the workload in wanikani, improve the session themselves, and reduce stress without necessarily slowing down. it can take a couple of days to set things perfectly, so don’t be afraid to set things aside for a while.
I’m level 8… took 3 months off and had to work through 900 reviews , and overall was never consistent long enough.
studying from flash cards just isn’t so interesting for me, and I have
a very hectic and loaded schedule. I always burnt out fast.
It took me time to set things technically, but I’m now cruising very fast and
with alot less effort because of some changes.
I manage the load better now, and I learn better.
Wanikani barebones didn’t cut it for me, at all.
what i’d recommend
**I learned all WK radicals before**
using an anki deck, this isn’t hard to accomplish in 2 weeks, I did it in 4 days, and now when lvling and reviewing I have less workload + I can make my own mnemonics effectivley when I read or watch anime.
taking down work load when you lvl up, means you can hit the kanji lessons asap quickly, in one sitting . if you can only sit or like 30 mins in the morning, or just don’t like having long study sessions, this can help keep you on the fast track for long run. making learning all the new kanji as soon as you lvl up, possible in one relatively short sitting. crucial for me and my time constraints.
Some offtopic experimental thoughts , open last
If I’d go back, I’d honestly be learning all the radicals first, then only kanji meaning. Basically for every kanji you make 4\5 memories -
onyomi, kunyomi, meaning, context\grammatical position, pronounciation.
so let’s assume 260 kanjis, are actually 260x5 “memory points” = 1300.
Learning the meaning is also often the easier and faster than onyomi\kunyomi imo, like i’ve said, I got 483 radicals in 4 days. I assume, you can reach an understanding 1xxx kanji meanings in a rather short time, shorter than the time it takes you to get to level 7 on max speed. then, when watching anime with subs, or reading\listening, you’ll have less load on your comprehention, and be able to
Understand the words in context, their pronunciation, pick some of the grammar, and make a connection between the english translation and japanese translation in a meaningful comprehensible way. I’ll do that experiment with chinese anyways.
**Invented my own better suited mnemonics**
I don’t like WK mnemonics that much, I invent my own alot of the time, make them more vulgar weird, rememorable - this has taken my retention to the roof.
i f you feel even the slightest of “eh, ok? I guess I’l just try hard to remember this kanji reading and hope to remember the mnemonic” I don’t think you should let it slip ever. I think you should take the time to invent, unless otherwise.
If I failed an item a couple of times , It signals me it is time to invent a better mnemonic.
For me :
たい - is taijutsu sometimes , like in naruto. because who the hell uses a tie?
はん - is hannibal . hansolo? I didn’t see star wars…
けん - kendou , or ken doll .
じゅう- jew , I’m jewish , and making racist jokes and stories work for me.
じょ - job.
etc etc etc
This is especially true for the radicals, the stories WK provide often times feel insufficient for me to have a strong memory of the radicals. you will get faster at this.
Installed the chrome addon - wanikani notifier. helps to quickly get to WK reviews.
Installed the chrome addon- yomichan. this helps a dictionary translation popup for any japanese you see on the web, simply mark the word with my mouse while holding shift, and I see translation and other words used with the kanji etc. this is critical for the API Anime sentence.
**The most important step: Installed these API, night and day improvement to my WK **
All of these are linked in the sticky post “list of API” in the WK community sub-forum “API 3rd party…”
Anime Sentence - shows you an example sentence with audio from anime.
with wanikani you don’t learn things from context, or either the context sentence isn’t interesting (not as anime) .
These anime short anime sentence recording, helped making study in wanikani worthwhile for me.
it added a spark wk never had imo.
When seeing a vocab card in the reviews, after answering - I press F, and then space , this will open up all the additional info fast without using mouse clicks. I Use yomichan on unknown words and try to read and understnad the japanese sentence before revealing the english translation. if I have time, I find this very enjoyable.
Reorder omega - When lvling up and getting 100 lessons, I want to start with radicals and kanji asap, so I can get most of them in one study session, and have them in my reviews.
With this , I prioritize apprentice kanji and radicals in reviews to show first, and and also in lessons. If I don’t have hours at a time to sit, this lets you me critical things moving.
Why I'm not afraid prioritising leveling up and doing kanji always before vocab
With enough kanji, I can start to read things that interest me , without too much unknown that will spoil my flow and enjoyment, making the reading or watching a technical fit, but rather leasure activity that I also learn the language from. my N1 priority is to reach a base that would help me tackle Japanese with enough comprehension to do so without extreme difficulty. If I can get there, I can expand my vocab and understanding of the language through a meaningful experience, and create flash cards if i want. If someone has a passion for cards and memorization, sweet, go for it. if you think speaking japanese is cool, if you think it sounds cool and those aspects of it turn you on, then I hold merit to doing what you need in order to study the language through the means that expose you to those aspects of the language that make it cool to you. I’m not against learning vocab through WK, but if it means spending 2x-3x amount of time on WK, and I’m allready over the top with things, then let it be, I’l get to it on the weekend or something. I do not care how do I count loaves of bread, or how to say neptune or mercury etc , learning through other means exposes me to vocab I feel is relevant. that’s my take on it.
WK ultimate timeline - I set this to “SRS LVL” now I see when apprentice items are about to come up on a timeline .
I look at it when done reviewing, and then set an alarm or put it in my calandar when apprentice radicals and kanji are available to review.
I know that tomorrow 10am I have 33 apprentice kanji and radicals that I can level to apprentice 4 , thus I’l check WK only tomorrow at 11amish. this takes off unnecessary reviews that aren’t critical, and takes off the heat.
Confussion guesser - If I entered wrong answer, displays similar kanjis or kanjis with the reading I’ve written.
Wanikani double check - let’s me re-type my answer , if typo, or any none critical mistake was made. I like this one alot.
Wrong of the day - shows a list of the items I’ve got wrong in reviews, but doesn’t refresh until I decide so. I can look at this like 1-2 a day and test myself just by looking if I remember.