ShotgunLagoon said... i agree with rfindley on single-purpose scripts over multifunction ones. i think kiko's wanikani customizer extension includes a script that collapses quotes in the forums which is hella convenient, but i don't use the other features and there aren't any options to turn them off, so i don't use it.It would push one of the boxes (depending on which script loads first) to the next line and the width of the boxes would be unpleasant to the eyes.
how does it work with ethan's double check script since it also adds a button in that spot?
Boy oh boy, am I glad I didn't release this for realz yet. Found a huge bug yesterday and now I've gotta take other scripts into account. Unfortunately that's gonna make that 'row of buttons' very crowded.
I first tried to put it in the bottom right corner of the 'item box' (below the statistics) but that was too distracting and didn't work very well with the coloured background. A new button seemed the most elegant solution.